Iloud MTM gain stage and input

Discussion about IK monitors and speakers like iLoud Precison, iLoud MTM, iLoud Micro Monitor and iLoud as well as X-MONITOR software.

Iloud MTM gain stage and input

Postby musicmaks » Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:36 pm

hello , what is the best way to gain stage the MTM to a high-end monitor controller. If the MTM knob is set to 0, my monitor controller's knob (at unity sending sine tone) doesn't go past 8 o'clock which leaves very little wiggle room for adjustments and going past 9 or ten its too loud in spl. if i set the MTM knob counter clockwise (-12db) will that affect the AD converter resolution of MTM ?

once a speaker designer (i won't mention) told me to turn down/off the digital speakers volume , turn up the sending monitor controller until you see speakers indicate clipping at the input stage which means you've hit the AD clip point, then back off (and jot this point down) and set speakers volume to a comfortable spl to get the best s/N ratio, resolution and optimal loudness.. but MTM's volume can't be fully turned off , hence this question. thanks
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