This is a pretty novice question, perhaps stupid, but here goes...
I have been playing during my lunch hour at work in my office.
Using Amplitube 4 and the 2 iLoud stereo monitors, I have
loved the sound and astounding numbers of amps & effects available.
I have never tried playing live with this setup with a group in a
a small setting.
Setting the monitors at full blast, could this hold its own with
drums, bass, etc.... with small amplifiers?
I love the sounds so much I am wondering how best to bring it
out in public. I have an old Fender solid state and an old Peavey Classic tube amp
and they work fine, but I would love to be able to use all
the Amplitube possibilities.
Is this possible? Or is there any way to connect or amplify
the iLouds themselves. The sounds are so authentic, that is
what I want to make LOUDER.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, Bill Walker... Stockton, CA