MODO BASS 2 - Uneven MIDI Velocity Volume Response

Discussions about MODO DRUM physically modeled drums and MODO BASS - the first physically modeled electric bass virtual instrument

MODO BASS 2 - Uneven MIDI Velocity Volume Response

Postby JLP_Nashville » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:02 am

Just purchased MODO BASS 2. Quite nice overall. Initial comment would be that the note B1 (and this is on all the bass models) is noticeably louder with the same MIDI velocity than other notes. For example (using a ProTools stereo instrument track) I have 3 MIDI notes Bb1, B1, and C2 all at MIDI velocity 85. In order for B1 not to jump out I have to lower the velocity to 77. And as I work with it more I may find other notes with the same issue. Trying different Play Style, String, Electronics, Studio, or other settings did not make a difference. It would be a nice tweak in a product version update to have more consistent volume from note to note with the same MIDI velocity.
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Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:41 am

Re: MODO BASS 2 - Uneven MIDI Velocity Volume Response

Postby mikeguitar » Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:44 pm

Same here.
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Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:44 am

Re: MODO BASS 2 - Uneven MIDI Velocity Volume Response

Postby Yourbithes58 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:36 am

While not ideal, consider using other software or plugins for specific instances where B1 sounds too loud. Alternatively, you could try resampling the B1 note with a different instrument and then use that sample within MODO BASS 2.
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Re: MODO BASS 2 - Uneven MIDI Velocity Volume Response

Postby mhalloran » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:56 am

Glad to know it's not just me. Fortunately, MODO Bass is not giving me this grief.
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