Maybe I'm just lost but is there any way to play from C1 on MODO Bass?
Trying to get it work in control mode but no luck - please help!
andreas.ohlstrom wrote:is there any way to play from C1 on MODO Bass?
To assign a performance control, click on the related TYPE field to select the desired one from the popup menu.
The values of a Keyswitch or MIDI Control Change can be set in the Value field. Keyswitch values range from C-1 to E7. MIDI Control Change values range from 0 to 119.
The LATCH field sets the latch mode for the given controls. When the latch mode is on the field is highlighted otherwise the control is momentary.
In the upper part of the keyboard, after the instrument’s notes range, we can find a few other keyswitches:
• E5: triggers the stopping of all the strings, modeling the bass player’s hand stopping them.
• Notes from F5 to E7: lets you move the position of the left hand on the neck. Note that this control can be done also with a MIDI continuous controller.