You can copy the MAPPED INSTRUMENT labeled “MODO Drum Map” from the environment (Open with Command -Zero ⌘0) to your project or project templates. Make sure to create virtual MIDI cables from the “MODO Drum Map” to the channels where you want the Piano Roll to display the correct names. NOTE: The MIDI region must be placed on the Track “MODO Drum Map” in the “Mapped MODO Drums for Notation” Track Stack to playback and display properly. Also import my “Staff Styles” to get the “#Drums 2025” 2 voice (feet+hands) mapping. If your regions are Assigned to this Staff Style and the channel is connected to the MODO Drum Map in the environment your music notation will appear correctly (or at least to my preferred appearance).

Also Included are a session-player drummer track that lets Session Drummers play MODO Drums (Mapped to the DKD Map) Hopefully that internal MODO Drum MIDI map will transfer with the project file. If Not, I’ll try to attach the “Drum Kit Designer Map.mdrmid” file to place in User>Documents>IK Multimedia>MODO DRUM>MIDIMapPresets.
I’ve also created a MODO Drum ‘Pattern Region Template’ for those that like using the Pattern Editor. It’s Called “MODO Drum Map Complete”. Make sure to save it to your personal Pattern Editor Templates.
project on my Google Drive HERE:
download the whole folder and it should show up on your Mac as a Logic Project