Hi there. I bought the Ultimate bundle that came with MODO DRUM (1.5) and several extension sound packs. However, I have experienced a huge problem with it, and do believe I found faulty logic in their application programming. And I cannot get support to answer my queries on topic, after spending a lot of time documenting the situation, making screen prints and sending some pretty good analysis their way...it's been months....no response.
THE PROBLEM: when I change the content directory- that includes the 3 Factory content files -to my D drive (where I keep all my content), MODO DRUM 1.5 will no longer work. It states that it cannot locate the Factory content. And it doesn't let me into the program to set it back to the C drive...locked out! A reinstallation makes the same situation- cannot locate Factory Content.
So, I did something that I don't like doing- hack my registry. Apparently, the uninstaller leaves 10-15 MODO DRUM artifacts that keep me from fixing the problem. Again, locked out. After deleted all MODO DRUM artifacts, I was able to use the application. However, all of my extension packs- that came with the Ultimate Bundle -expired, so I cannot download and reinstall them...left with just the Factory Content. And I want them on D, not C.
Of course, to get MODO DRUM 1.5 working, again, I need to hack my registry because the uninstallation problem leaves entries that put me right back in the same situation..."Cannot locate Factory Content". So, we have a broken uninstaller and a "feature" (ie change content directory) that does not work properly; leaves the user with a broken program and the situation where a reinstallation does not fix it...as it probably should. Maximum drag.
What a mess and I cannot get IK to check this out, provide useful feedback, and/or fix the problem. Why? Methinks, they should be thanking me for the documentation, screen prints, and analysis. What's the gaffe???
FYI: I have been using IK products since version 1 of everything. And I am totally put off by how this whole situation has unfolded...no response. Nothing.