iRig Anplitude AU compatibility with Google Pixel 7Pro

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iRig Anplitude AU compatibility with Google Pixel 7Pro

Postby DAVIDTYLER » Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:02 pm


i decided to do some recording on my newest phone and having serious problems.

The AmpliTube UA app is not pulling up on my phone (in fact it's missing from my apps) and i can't even download it again because it's saying that it's not compatible with my Device. My new phone is the Google Pixel 7 Pro

it doesn't make any sense because the iRig will connect to my phone and i can hear the drum track i created in the software. It just won't do anything with the guitar. And i had a lot of amps downloaded from Ik Multimedia for use with the i Rig.

any help would be appreciated
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Re: iRig Anplitude AU compatibility with Google Pixel 7Pro

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:08 pm

AmpliTube UA only works with the iRig UA interface (since the tones use the on-board DSP of that interface). You can use other iRig audio interfaces that are compatible with your Android device with audio apps that work with audio interfaces.
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