Surf sound

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Surf sound

Postby davidguitar95010 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:37 pm

I'm a new guitar player, who purchased the iRig to (hopefully) get the surf reverb sound. Any suggestions?
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Re: Surf sound

Postby CrazySchmidt » Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:39 am

Hey Buddy,

Can you explain a little more about what you are aiming for? Can you provide an example of the type of thing you want to do?

Do you have some riff examples or maybe a song that you like so we can help you get closer to what you are looking for?

Cheers, CS. :)
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Re: Surf sound

Postby davidguitar95010 » Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:27 pm

Thanks CS!

Something in between **** Dale and Aqua Velvets. Big and wet.

I appreciate your help! Now I gotta figure out how to actually play like that.
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Re: Surf sound

Postby CrazySchmidt » Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:31 am

Hey David, how you doing man?

I've listened to the clips provided and I can almost certainly say that you need to be a Fender guy, that is to say, take a look at the Amplitube Fender collection and see if it is in your budget, if is in your budget, move forward with it as it will most certainly give you what you are looking for in the way of amp tone.

If it is out of your budget, look for a Fender sounding amp in the standard collection (something with warm and precise clean tone) there are plenty there, you just need to invest a little time looking for them.

The other big part of this sound regardless of what amp you choose is reverb, make sure you have a good reverb effect available in your collection, this is a huge part of the sound you are looking for. If you go with the Fender collection I'm quite certain those amps come with a traditional reverb built in, also from memory, the standard Amplitube series comes with some very good generic reverb's that will most certainly do the trick.

For your guitar, again a Fender type single coil either Stratocaster or Telecaster is what you are looking for, if these are both out of budget, focus on a guitar with single coil pick ups which is largely what gives the Fender guitars their traditional sound.

I hope this this helps dude, keep rockin and good luck!! 8-)

Cheers, CS.
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Re: Surf sound

Postby davidguitar95010 » Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:08 am

Hey CS, thanks for the suggestion.

I bought the Fender Collection 2, and I gotta say it has been nothing but frustrating. Download, register, and nothing. How do I got the collection loaded into Amplitube? Design by Elmer Fudd.
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Re: Surf sound

Postby CrazySchmidt » Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:23 am

Hey buddy, sorry to hear you've had a frustrating time with it, I know how that can feel.

Did you get through the registration part OK, can you see the collection in your amp list inside Amplitube?

Let's start there and work on from that, I do seem to remember that there was something possibly with a "refresh my gear" option inside Custom Shop but it's been a while I'd have to dig back to figure it out.

Otherwise the tech support here in the forum should be able to get you sorted.

Good luck man, let me know how you get on.

Cheers, CS. :)
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