Hi Dan, how are you going buddy? thanks for the feedback.
Oh man you're making me feel old now, I used to do the local pub circuit when I was a younger man myself, some of the happiest days of my life!!
Now at 53 yrs old and married, those days are well over I'm afraid.
The bass rig I'm using is the
"Ampeg SVT-4 PRO" using the
"Bright Pick SVT-4" preset, this just sounds so good to me right out of the box. I'm not a bass player so intuitively wanted to use something that was pick based rather than finger based.
The guitars on this track are not through Amplitube BTW, they are recorded using an actual Marshall DSL40C amp through an SM57 mic straight into my DAW (Ableton Live).
I also recorded an acoustic track sometime ago, (something way out of my comfort zone), using the same bass preset which surprisingly came out sounding ok I think, that just further enforced my belief that Amplitube has a very real and very cool vibe to it.
I've linked the acoustic track for you to take a listen to in case you're interested.
Cheers, Ian.