It started as an experiment to approach the guitar tones of Garry "Gaz" Jennings (ex-Cathedral), though I eventually decided these are best approximated by a dimed (and somewhat boosted) JCM800.
All the guitars use the Brit 8000 model boosted with the Overdrive stomp (level up, drive down, tone in the middle) with the matching cab (with a Dynamic 57 right up on and in the middle of one speaker, and a Condenser 87 right up and slightly off-center from another speaker). There are separate rhythm tracks left and right, but using the same settings. The lead guitar adds the Wah 47 (which is probably not authentic for Cathedral, but I just like that wah!) partially because 1) I wanted to test the set-up in Logic Pro that I needed to record MIDI to control parameters in AmpliTube, and partially because 2) it's Cathedral-ish doom metal and there ought to be some wah.

The bass signal is a little more complicated, but essentially it is sort of split into upper and lower frequencies that are then processed differently. The upper frequencies go through AmpliTube 5's MiniPlex 20 and the 4x12 Brit 30 cab (with the Ribbon 121 and Condenser 87) for some dirt and grind. The lower frequencies are mostly DI, processed in AmpliTube relatively lightly with some of the rack compressors -- but then smashed outside of AmpliTube with a 3rd-party limiter plugin. (If there were some generic high-/low-pass filters and a relatively transparent limiter built in to AmpliTube, I could probably basically do all the split-bass processing within AmpliTube. Perhaps some day!)
There are a few other plugins in the mix: a number of 3rd-party plugins but also some T-Racks stuff on the stereo mixbus. (I use the EQual plugin in a few places; I've kind of been digging it, lately. I think the guitars get some EQP-1A, and the mix bus chain certainly ends with Stealth Limiter.) with The drums are mostly from Logic's "Drummer" feature, augmented with a few additional samples. The church bells are from some 3rd-party EXS24/Sampler instrument for Logic, and the rain and thunder .... well, it's been raining and thundering a lot recently where I live!

So, it's a kind of fun, plodding but crunching doom-metal piece.