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Postby » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:50 pm

Hey all, I’ve just remixed this October, 2017 song. The track was motivated by a very good friend of mine who had shared he had major depression and was far from being in a good place. With current events, especially life in the pandemic, I thought this might be a fitting song for those that may be struggling with even greater mental health challenges.

I used the opportunity of this remix to add more recent IK stuff, as usual.

IK breakdown:
ST3 - harpsichord, lofi upright piano, choir, flute
ST4 - choir, Native flute, Balalaika, toy piano from Alternate Keys
Philharmonik = choir
AT4 - Boogie Mark IV (rhythm); ENGL Powerball (main melody); Mesa Triple Rectifier (outro dual leads) with bass guitar (Ampeg SVX-4B)
TR5 - stealth limiter, CL compressor, Sunset Sound rev

Keep positive, resilient, reach out and don't succumb.

Hope you enjoy.

Posts: 223
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:56 pm

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