Please check in the Settings that your download location is a folder that exists and that is writeable by IK Product Manager. If that does not fix your issue please open a ticket with IK Support.
With regard to authorizations, IK Support will also tell you this:
As you may have noticed, the maximum number of authorizations per IK product has been changed from 10 to 5.
Although our EULA limits the installation of our software to 3 devices, in the past there was no way to unauthorize licenses so we increased the number of authorizations provided as a workaround to save you the trouble of contacting support each time the limit would have been reached.
Since IK’s new Product Manager introduced the ability for users to manage authorizations, including removing and re-activating them at will, we have reverted to our system to previous behavior. With the ability to unauthorize as needed, you should never reach the limit of your authorizations.
In the rare case this does happen, please just contact us and we’ll take care of you as always.