I've been running Amp on my iPad Air 64 for 3 years now and it seems every time Apple does an update I have a glitchy issue pop up just before big gigs.
Since the last 12.4.1 the Song Player has been extremely slow to load. Here's some of the other issues I've found with it that make performing live with backing tracks questionable right now. I could really use a solution here. I have a 5 day apprearance starting Sept 17.
1. Songs do not load properly when selecting them. Once selected you need to select the next one, go back to the one you want and then hit the play button.
2. You can't stop and start mid play any more. It returns to a mute state with no song selected.
3. You cant fast forward or rewind through a song.
4. You cant make any changes to amp or pedal settings while the player is running now. If you do and go back to hit the player icon at the bottom the song stops and you have to begin over.
All of these issues just popped up with the last update. The only solution is to keep the song player running with your track and not touch anything. I'm glad my Blueboard works well still.
Any help would be appreciated.