SampleTank live mode foot control

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SampleTank live mode foot control

Postby jbohonos » Mon May 08, 2023 8:53 pm


Can anyone tell me if it’s possible to use a midi pedal controller to switch instruments on and off in “live mode” hands free?

If yes, how?

I can see the ability to adjust certain parameters, but can’t figure out the one that is really important to me.

Thanks for any suggestions:-)
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Joined: Mon May 08, 2023 8:49 pm

Re: SampleTank live mode foot control

Postby MichaelJOConnell007 » Sun May 14, 2023 12:06 am

Hi, I use a Morningstar MIDI controller to do this.

First, set up your controller with a MIDI CC message for the particular button, key, etc depending upon the MIDI controller you are using. It must send the message to the same channel as the instrument. The channel number is in the upper right corner of the instrument/part, e.g. CH 1.

The CC message will consist of the Channel number, "1" in the case of the first instrument in the top left corner of the 8-part display. The MIDI message will include a CC number. This is the number that will be assigned to identify the Mute control for the instrument. This number will always select this control in subsequent MIDI messages. Finally, it will contain a CC value. "0" will unmute the instrument and "127" will mute it.

Next, touch the instrument number (1 - 8), not the CH number, in the interface. Its controls will appear below.

Next, touch the small MIDI cable connector icon to the right of the instrument controls below the eight instruments. This will put the interface into "Learn" mode.

Then, long-press the Mute (speaker) icon. There should be a flashing box around it if you have selected it. It can be tricky, so keep trying. You will likely then see three dashes which means that it has not "learned" the MIDI CC number yet. If there is a number, then this is its assigned CC Number. You can keep it or overwrite it using the value in your MIDI message in the next step.

Press the control/key/etc, on your MIDI device. This will teach the Mute control the MIDI CC Number that is in the MIDI message being sent. The number should replace the three dashes.

Touch the MIDI Learn connector icon to turn off the MIDI function.

You should be set up to enable and disable Mute for that instrument.

Notice that the other instrument controls had CC Numbers assigned to them. You can send messages to change those controls as well or assign your own CC Numbers as you did with the Mute control.

Hope this helps.
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Re: SampleTank live mode foot control

Postby jbohonos » Sun May 14, 2023 7:22 pm

Wow! Thank you for the detailed response. I had totally overlooked the “mute” button, I didn’t know what that icon was supposed to mean… makes total sense now.

I also did t realize that the controls at the bottom were “per instrument” I thought they were “universal” to all 8 items in the multi…. So you explanation is opening up a whole world of functionality for me.

This program is waaaay more more expansive than I realized.

Thanks again!!!!
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Joined: Mon May 08, 2023 8:49 pm

Re: SampleTank live mode foot control

Postby MichaelJOConnell007 » Sun May 14, 2023 9:44 pm

You're very welcome. Glad I could help.
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:19 am

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