T-Racks 6 (no plugins in DAW)

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

T-Racks 6 (no plugins in DAW)

Postby dimugi » Sat Nov 16, 2024 11:12 pm

Hello everyone!

T-Raks 6 Max and VST plugins are not displayed in either Studio One V7 or Cubase 14 Pro.

The computer is equipped with Windows 10 Pro and is up to date.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?

All plugins are available in standalone mode.
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:08 am

Re: T-Racks 6 (no plugins in DAW)

Postby dimugi » Mon Nov 18, 2024 12:26 am

Now I've found out and maybe some of you already knew it.

DAWs like Cubase and Studio One, I don't know if everyone does it like that, only search for VST3 in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 folder under Windows and the additional folders that you can set as search folders in the programs are only used to search for VST2 files.

If, like me, you want to put the VST3 in other folders, you can set a symbolic link in the VST3 directory.

To do this, you can use the mklink command in the command prompt and use it like this, for example:

mklink /J source directory target directory

I did it like this:

mklink /J .\ikm f:\vst

So I put a symbolic link called ikm in my VST directory that points to f:\vst and the VST3 files located there are found.
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:08 am

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