Hide or delete un-owned plugins in PT 12.7[Resolved]

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

Hide or delete un-owned plugins in PT 12.7[Resolved]

Postby soundofmatt » Sat Nov 21, 2020 7:39 am

Hi all. Just downloaded & installed TRacks 5 EQual. I was a bit surprised when the download for the "free EQ plugin" turned out to be 1.7Gb, but hey lets give it a go. Apparently that's the whole TRacks 5 universe.

Anyhoo .. I authorized, installed the Product Manager .. and Custom Shop .. and seems like there was another one as well. Now, when I run my DAW (PT 12.7), I see 100+ new plugins all named "TR5 <pluginname>". However, the only ones I can actually USE are the TRS Classic EQ and TRS EQual (the one I wanted in the first place). All the others throw up a not-authorized panel and give me bursts of white noise ever few seconds because I haven't purchased them.

So my question: how can I remove all the things I don't own from the plugin lists in PT? I saw another suggestion in another thread that I go find all the .aax files for the things I don't own and remove them, but that seems kind of crude. Surely there is a better way....
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Re: Hide or delete un-owned plugins in PT 12.7

Postby garfy » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:43 am

Hello soundofmatt and welcome to the forums.

soundofmatt wrote:how can I remove all the things I don't own from the plugin lists in PT? I saw another suggestion in another thread that I go find all the .aax files for the things I don't own and remove them, but that seems kind of crude. Surely there is a better way....

If there isn't a way to hide plugins in PT then I'm afraid deleting the individual *.aax files is the only other way. I'm not sure why you're seeing 100+ though. Does PT list mono and stereo versions separately? You should only find single *.aax files for each module in the plugins folder. However, deleting them is not official IK advice as they note that, should you want to trial or buy another module at a later date, the procedure won't work as it should.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Hide or delete un-owned plugins in PT 12.7

Postby soundofmatt » Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:28 pm

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, PT is listing the stereo and mono version separately; plus some of the plugins are showing up in multiple categories within the plugin chooser (EQ and Dynamics, for example). After I poked around for a long time, I realized that there aren't 100 separate plugins, just lots and lots of menu entries for the same things.

PT 12.7 doesn't appear to have a plugin manager that would allow me to manage my selection lists within the DAW, so my crude solution has been to move all the un-authorized .aaxplugin directories out of:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins

and drop them in

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins (Unused)

That at least keep them close-at-hand if at some point in the future I want to try one of them out without re-installing the entire T-Rack package.
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Re: Hide or delete un-owned plugins in PT 12.7

Postby garfy » Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:31 pm

soundofmatt wrote:so my crude solution has been to move all the un-authorized .aaxplugin directories out of:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
and drop them in
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins (Unused)

Ahh, excellent solution. I'll leave this thread here in case anyone else wants to follow your lead.

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System Specs: 2012 Mac Mini 2.6 i7 & 2015 MBP 2.2 i7, 16GB RAM
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