+1 for custom default presets
+1 for optimized fine tune gesture (shift + drag)
- adding gesture "shift + mouse wheel" to fine tune with mouse wheel
- UI improvements, like the "preset bar" on the top and the bottom are (for my taste) unnecessary big, especially when you change it to a bigger window size. (Especially in EQual, most other plugins i use always on the smallest setting but even there it would be nice to have more space on my screen for other things)
+1 for updated user manual, seems like there are some outdated/incorrect informations.
+1 for output gain on EQual
+1 for dynamic eq (best inside of EQual, to switch individual bands dynamic)
+1 for to see mid/side, left/ right at the same time in EQual
+1 for solo individual bands in EQual and some other eq's
- some workflow improvements and shortcuts in EQual, like: select multiple bands (e.g. with right click) and adjust them as a group.
+1 for reworked and updated White2A and adding the R36 screw
+1 for reworked and updated British/White Channel (especially british Channel, like change the top band to 16k...)
+1 for bug fixes, like on British Channel change the EQ Pre button, ...for my brain it's the wrong way around...
+1 for sidechain on some modules
- Improvement on Quad modules like an "linear phase" band split mode (e.g. with phase cancelation filters, i bet your techs will find a way

Also +1 for a lot of new stuff that is already mentionted but first fixes and improvements on stuff whats already here