T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby dickiefunk » Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:39 pm

dsDanielS wrote:I would like to suggest some of the following:

-All modules with reference input level to be -18dBFS (if they're not all there yet)
-Maybe some more mics for Mic Room (U47, ...)

-A tube EQ (for mastering)
-Pultec MEQ-5
-Blue 1176

I really like all of TRacks 5 honestly, especially analog emulations - so I trust you guys will do some cool things in the future!!

I would also love these analog emulations plus various other emulations such as the Shadow Hills compressor. I would also love to see more preamp emulations (Telefunken V series, API etc).
Please can we have more file types supported for importing into T-Racks.
Finally please would it be possible to be able to view both the waveform and signal chain at the same time?
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby SDM_T_RACKS » Tue Dec 31, 2019 2:01 am

whhf54 wrote:Hi All

Something simple - :idea: When you double click on any control it returns to '0' value, (on controls that have a '0' setting). Trying to use the mouse or mouse wheel to reset to '0' can be an act of frustration!


Ctrl-Click returns to 0 on a PC, probably CMD-Click on a Mac.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby jimmyjames75 » Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:41 pm

I would like to see returns to zero as well. I am so use to double clicking a knob to get it to zero. So many of the plugins are to hot by default. if I could double click the inputs and outputs on the Dyna-mu for example. that would speed up things.

You need to add some real videos for the plugins. Some high end engineers going through some of the plugins. All the videos on the official YouTube page are 5 minute videos. And they are just bullet point ad videos.

Selectable gain staging would be amazing. You guys would be the first to do this. It would be a big deal and blow people away. You could make selectable gain staging that is optimized for the selected gain stage. For example, a use could choose -18rms on the plugin. Or the user could choose -10rms. With 3 to 5 options, it would be amazing. With all options being optimized for the selected.

SSL Horizontal to Vertical! it bugs me so, so much. I just can't get past the SSL being horizontal. It is a deal breaker for me. I know it shouldn't matter. I know some don't care. But myself, and others I know, it drives us crazy. Channel strips should always be vertical....
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby SDM_T_RACKS » Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:01 pm

With regards to 'return to zero', some may not be aware that Ctrl-Click (on a PC, anyway - probably Command-Click on a Mac) returns any control to 0 or its default value.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby jimmyjames75 » Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:21 pm

A "analogue sweet" would be really cool. A workflow layout that uses console emulation tied in with tape. Basically a analog desk using tape machines.

A build your own channel strip. That would be super rad.....
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby saukar23 » Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:58 pm

Ensoniq DP4+ 8-)
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby rj.gray » Mon May 18, 2020 5:54 pm

Did anyone mention input gain on Quad Comp? Actually on a lot of them for that matter.

Also LINK BANDS having a "Relative Lock" button would be incredible. But I just saw a post requesting this that was passed to the devs back in 2013 so maybe there's some larger reason they don't have this. Oh well.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby rj.gray » Tue May 19, 2020 12:38 am

Also this is probably a longstanding request but please add side-chain capabilities to the Standalone and Suite effects that interface properly with DAWs like Studio One and Live.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby cdillnerhagen » Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:28 am

A universal preference page where we can set default behaviour settings like :

- Auto gain
- zero latency
- processng quality and cpu resource usage

It would also be great if all our existng tracks plugins would be available in MixBox.
Wth the same options as requested above.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby DarkStar » Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:12 pm

I have added these to the Official T-RackS Wish List.

>>> https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=19888
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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