So I loaded in Oasis' song Supersonic because it opens with just drums. I wanted to look at the meter and see where it falls.
Interesting about pros, they seem to get more volume out with less decibels. I also downloaded a audio mixing project (wav files) and set all drums to solo to see where they fall. Dismal.
One thing I'm noticing - Oasis' recording seems to be EQ'd in a way that allows it to be heard. I'm guessing this is a major difference when signals match on the meter but one is easily heard (or perceived to be louder).
The other thing is...the glue. I'm starting to wonder, if tracks are glued via compression in such a way, then leaving headroom on each track allows them to glue it better to be taken to a master where a mastering colsone/plugin can be used like one. I noticed One seems to make things louder while increasing the decibels very very little. Must be something to do with dynamics.
Just thinking out loud here.
My hunch is leaving headroom when first recording is important rather than recording a track maxed out near 0 db.