what serial numbers have been authorized on this computer

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

what serial numbers have been authorized on this computer

Postby dlwhite66 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:11 pm

How can I tell what serial numbers have been authorized on this computer. I can see there is a digital ID Listed on My Products on the website, but how do I identify which computer has which digital ID. How do I unauthorize if I no longer want to use a specific computer (upgrade to a new one for example)?
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Re: what serial numbers have been authorized on this compute

Postby garfy » Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:24 pm

Hi dlwhite66 and welcome to the forum.

You can’t de-authorise a computer (at least I’ve never seen the facility to) but this is why you have ten authorisations to use. Even if you manage to use all ten, you can still contact IKM and discuss extending your authorisations should you need to.

As for the digital ID, I’m not sure you can find out specifics from your own machines, other than to work it out yourself. Do you have other IKM software installed in one computer but not another?
System Specs: 2012 Mac Mini 2.6 i7 & 2015 MBP 2.2 i7, 16GB RAM
macOS10.15.7 Logic 10.6.1 Reason 11
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