Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

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Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby Chrisulrich » Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 am

Dear Anyone.

I'm the legal possessor, with a serial number, of Miroslav Orchestra. When I try to use an instrument, it tells me it's not authorised. So I launch IK Product Manager to authorise it - but it's not showing up in the Product Manager!

How do I make it show up so I can authorise it? I promise I'm the legal owner of a copy, it's listed in the 'My Products' of my login section and I do have an authorisation number, which I can show on request!

Yours puzzledly,

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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby Chrisulrich » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:06 am

Just an addendum to the above.....

[Mod edit: Please do not post your Serial Number anywhere as some-one else could take it and Register it] is my Miroslav Registration Number.

My User area says Miroslav has been authorised, using that number. Sampletank doesn't believe it! Google tells me to launch IK Product Manager, click on Register and enter the Registration number, which I've put above. If I try that, the Product Manager tells me I can't use that number because it's in use by another member. I think it's gotten confused because it's already registered under that number in my User Area.

So as it's already registered under that number in my User Area, why can't Sampletank find out that it's registered?

Yours puzzledly,

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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby DarkStar » Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:35 pm

Do you mean Miroslav Philharmonik 2 or the original Miroslav Philharmonik ?

Does the Miroslav Philharmonik stand-alone program load and run OK? And can you play its instruments?

Just a thought: have you Registered / Authorized SampleTank 3 too? I am not sure whether that is needed.
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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby Chrisulrich » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:41 am

I love this Dark Star guy, whoever he really is - he's got such a good, logical, concise way of thinking. He gives us NOOBs wonderful, face-palm, 'jeez, why didn't I think of that!?!' moments galore!

Will go and try out his standalone idea - if it works as a standalone, why would you want to use it in Sampletank, rhetorical question, guess I'll find that one out. I mean Kontakt stuff doesn't do standalone as far as I know, which is why you need Kontakt for it! You're shooting yourselves in the foot a bit doing a standalone version - would mean people wouldn't need to buy Sampletank, wouldn't it?

Regarding the 'don't put serial numbers' thing - that was, kinda, the point. I mean it's my serial number and the system's not letting ME register with it, it's saying it's been used already. Yes it has - by me when I got Miroslav. If it's not letting me use it because it thinks it's been used by someone else (who also happens to be me!) then surely it wouldn't let anyone else use it for the same reason. If there IS a way for someone else to use it to illicitly register a copy of Miroslav, surely you could tell me how then I could use it to LEGITIMATELY - as it's my number - register/re-register (whichever Sampletank wants!) Miroslav so I could use it in Sampletank!

I only wanted to write a bit of music - all this is getting incredibly confusticating! Anyway - I'll go try the standalone thang and report back.

Yours respectfully - especially to Darkstar, he's a great asset! - wonder if he knows a guy from other music forums called Evil Dragon, who's anything but! They've both got the same clarity of thought patterns.

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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby Chrisulrich » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:25 am

Dear Darkstar, IK Multimedia guys, ANYBODY!?!

So I searched my hard drive for anything saying MP2.EXE (as I'm looking for a standalone version, it's a .EXE, am I right thus far? Serious question, I've got Asperger's, if it's called something else/has a different extension, tell me.) Couldn't find anything. Went back to my user area, found a user guide, which says - and I'm copy/pasting from it -

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 Installation
Many thanks purchasing Miroslav Philharmonik 2, the ultimate
Orchestral Workstation.
Miroslav Philharmonik 2 can be used as a standalone application
or as a plug-in.
To install Miroslav Philharmonik 2, follow these easy steps:
1. Insert the Miroslav Philharmonik 2 USB drive in a free USB port
on your computer. Use USB 3 ports for faster installation.
2. Double-click on the Miroslav Philharmonik 2 USB drive to open it.

I've got to have Miroslav Philharmonik 2 on a USB drive? I've got a big USB drive, I've also got MP2 Sound Updater 1-4 and MP2 Sound Installers 1-16. That's it. That's all I've ever had. If there's anything I've missed out on downloading, tell me. I've used all of those already and I can't find any .EXEs in any of their folders to launch a standalone from, if indeed it IS a .EXE I'm looking for! Do I put all those files/folders on a USB drive to use Miroslav? If yes, do I then reinstall it using the Sound Installers to get the .EXE to launch the standalone version from? I thought - obviously wrongly - I'd just be installing the instruments, Sampletank would have the instrument names in a database and just load up the instrument when asked - I didn't realise you had to use USBs, you can't use hard drives? Sampletank IS coming up with a list of orchestral-looking instrument names, it's just not letting me use them because it thinks I'm not a registered user. And when I try to register by using my code in Product Manager, it tells me the code's already registered. Which it IS - to me in my user area! Why isn't Sampletank/Product Manager realising I'm trying to use something registered under my own code?

Thought the Product Manual would make things easier, I'm more confused than ever! Suffice it to say I can't find anything called Miroslav Philharmonik.EXE or MP2.EXE or similar to launch a standalone program from. If the extension's something else, please tell me! And if it only works from a USB drive/stick, tell me that too and I'll get one big enough if none of mine are.

I really want to get to use the sounds I've bought - just didn't realise the process to GET to use them would be so complicated and involve USB sticks and stuff!

Yours very confusedly,

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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby Chrisulrich » Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:37 am

Tiny addendum to the above rant - only just thought of this - Miroslav isn't actually coming up in my Product Manager, even though I'm a legit. owner of it - honest! - and have a product code to prove it - as you know. Even though it's not actually listed in my Product Manager, I tried to register it by clicking on the red bar top right corner and then pasting in the number I'd copied from my User Area, the one you deleted from a previous post. It wouldn't let me use that number because it said the number was already registered to someone else - yes, meeee!! That's why I don't think others could use it to illicitly register Miroslav - it won't even let ME use it to register Miroslav and it's my number!!

I don't know why Miroslav's not coming up in my Product Manager, I promise you I'm not trying to pull a fast one here, I'm being honest, I don't understand what's going on. Still don't think I've got enough synthy sounds coming up but that's a digression from this so I'll hopefully get Miroslav sorted, with your help, first.

Really am going now, till someone replies!

Yours respectfully,

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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby DarkStar » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:52 pm

Chrisulrich wrote:I love this Dark Star guy, whoever he really is - he's got such a good, logical, concise way of thinking. He gives us NOOBs wonderful, face-palm, 'jeez, why didn't I think of that!?!' moments galore!

Aw, shucks! :oops:

Chrisulrich wrote:I Will go and try out his standalone idea - if it works as a standalone, why would you want to use it in Sampletank, rhetorical question, guess I'll find that one out. I mean Kontakt stuff doesn't do standalone as far as I know, which is why you need Kontakt for it! You're shooting yourselves in the foot a bit doing a standalone version - would mean people wouldn't need to buy Sampletank, wouldn't it?

Yes, you can uses MP2 without ever owning ST3 or ST4. :) Either as a stand-alone program or as a plug-in within a DAW. But if you have ST3 or ST4 too, then you can load both its own instruments and those of MP2 into different instrument slots and layer (mix) the sounds together creating unique sounds.

Chrisulrich wrote:Regarding the 'don't put serial numbers' thing -,,,

I mentioned that to avoid potential problems in the future, involvement of Support etc. Anyway, it would be best to contact Technical Support to check out your Serial Number(s). No-one here can access User Accounts.

Chrisulrich wrote:Yours respectfully - especially to Darkstar, he's a great asset! - wonder if he knows a guy from other music forums called Evil Dragon, who's anything but! They've both got the same clarity of thought patterns.

Yes, I have known Evil Dragon for ages, although we have never met. :) And, yes, he always tries to help, pointing people in the right direction.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby DarkStar » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:28 pm

Chrisulrich wrote:So I searched my hard drive for anything saying MP2.EXE (as I'm looking for a standalone version, it's a .EXE, am I right thus far? Serious question, I've got Asperger's, if it's called something else/has a different extension, tell me.) Couldn't find anything.

Yes, it is an .exe file. Maybe it was not installed? The default location for the stand-alone program is in a folder within C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia.

Chrisulrich wrote: ... I've got to have Miroslav Philharmonik 2 on a USB drive?

No, I am not sure where you got that info from. Maybe MP2 was / is available on a USB drive for those users who did not want to download it?

The files you mentioned contain the Sounds Library; the installer for the program itself is in IKPM should be able to download that file and install it,

Chrisulrich wrote: Sampletank IS coming up with a list of orchestral-looking instrument names, it's just not letting me use them because it thinks I'm not a registered user. And when I try to register by using my code in Product Manager, it tells me the code's already registered. Which it IS - to me in my user area! Why isn't Sampletank/Product Manager realising I'm trying to use something registered under my own code?

ST4 does have some orchestral instruments. MP2 adds a lot more. Maybe ST4 is not yet Registered/ Authorized on your system? You can get the ST4 Serial Number from your User Area: and enter it in the IKPM.

Just to complicate things a bit more. There is a problem with the installation of the current version of MP2. it is missing a file. The best thing to do is get v2.2.0.4 from the {Past Releases} section for MP2 in your User Area, extract the files and run that installer.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby DarkStar » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:46 pm

Just for background info, the usual steps are::

  • buy a product licence and get a Serial Number,
  • use IKPM to Register that number to your User Account, if needed.
  • use IKPM to download / install the program (under its [Software] tab)
  • Authorize the product
  • run the stand-alone program and, in its Preference Settings, set the desired location for the sounds library, if needed,
  • back in IKPM. download and install the sounds library (under its [Sounds] tab)
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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby Chrisulrich » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:19 pm

Dear Darkstar.

Thankyou for all your patience and help. Just to clear up a (kinda!) question you asked, where did I get the stuff about the USB stick from. I got it from the Quick Start Guide!! It tells you to install the Miroslav Orchestra by putting the USB stick into the computer - which implies you've put the Orchestra ONTO a USB stick or you couldn't do that. Here's the link. ... d521bb64b2

There's 2 orange pages, one with the IK Multimedia sign on, one with 'where to get the full manual' from in different languages, then you hit a white page. That page clearly says, in instruction 1, "Insert the Miroslav Philharmonik 2 USB drive into a free USB port on your computer". You couldn't do that unless you'd put the Philharmonik stuff onto a USB stick in the first place, logically, could you! Don't understand WHY the IK guys would make you have to install it from a USB stick, but you've got to admit that's clearly what it says!

After fighting Sampletank all this time, I'd believe anything about IK Multimedia, installers and 6-layers of nested folders with 2 instruments down the bottom (hence hitting the long filename problem when installing into Windows.... viewtopic.php?f=12&t=11405 - I hit that one and discovered the only way to get past it was to extract everything before installing it. Then I installed one longhand by opening its subfolders and discovered WHY you were hitting that prob., then I found the above thread about it!)

Gonna give authorising this thing another go and thanks for your patience!

Yours respectfully

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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby DarkStar » Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:18 pm

Yep, that is what it says. But
(a) it has a small reference which includes "USB" which confirms my suspicion that it is intended for users who bought MP2 "on a stick"
(b) it is pretty old, as it refers to the Authorization Manager which was replace by the IKM some years ago.
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Re: Authorise Miroslav when not showing in Prod. Man.?

Postby DarkStar » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:53 pm

Can you look at the Software section in IKPM and let us know exactly what products are listed there and what their Installation and Authorization statuses?
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