Can anyone tell me what instruments I SHOULD have?

Hammond B-3X, Syntronik, Syntronik Deluxe, SampleTank, Miroslav Philharmonik 2, SampleTron 2, and all Powered by SampleTank instruments and sounds for Mac/PC

Can anyone tell me what instruments I SHOULD have?

Postby Chrisulrich » Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:07 am

Dear Everyone.

Please, I'm a NOOB, really, at all of this. I bought, legit, a Sampletank bundle of sounds and, of course, Sampletank 4 itself. Total size, about 165 gig., give or take. There was the Miroslav Orchestra, Syntronik and some others which I'll list if asked. Thing IS - the IK downloader sucks (sorry!) and I had to download and install a lot of the files myself. Which I DID - but then I had a total nightmare making Sampletank find them! Took me a fortnight, then I just opened each little zipfile, extracted the instruments by hand, looked up the folder hierarchy, reconstructed it manually on my external hard drive and started extracting the instruments into it.

First nightmare - the sheer amount of sub-folders IK use. I mean you're digging down through SIX sub-folders to find TWO instruments in the bottom. You've gotta move them out because you get the Windows long file name prob. otherwise - with it being on an external hard drive - and it was finding the instrument NAMES, but not the instruments themselves. I was going through instrument by instrument, the "can't find TANK" error messages telling me where the files should be, me searching for the files and putting them where it wanted them.

So I've got a bunch of working sounds. First prob. with Sampletank itself - my DAW uses CC7 for volume control, CC10 for pan, Sampletank doesn't recognise either of them. Get in there with that one, IK Multimedia!! But going onto the actual instruments - there just doesn't seem to be 165gig of them there. Miroslav's only got 2 kinds of strings showing up, LIVE and Staccato. There's no woodwinds - all that shows up there is Hot Horns which are brass, surely, not woodwinds! There's 2 pianos, both not bad. About 12 pads in the synths section and a couple of trance leads. A few other bits - but I keep coming back to having 165 gigs' worth of files sitting there. I'm morally certain there should be more instruments. Even more so because I found a few extra .ST4I files and chucked them in with the other instrument names - but they're not coming up. (Yes - did a rescan!) Even though they're Sampletank format, for some reason Sampletank's not finding them. So if it's not finding those, how many others isn't it finding? Or are there other names I should be downloading somewhere, maybe I've got a ton of .PAKs and no instrument names to go with them because I've not found them on the website to download them? This is why I think Sampletank should be in total control of download/setup - take it out of Dumbass User hands, like mine!

Could anyone show me a list of what SHOULD be in each category and maybe give me a hint as to how to make Sampletank find the missing ones? Remember - I've handbuilt the folder hierarchy because I couldn't see any way of doing it automatically - the IK Product Manager sucks blue whales and elephants through thin straws, it really does. IK, if anyone reads this, I'm a programmer, or was! You've gone WAAAAY too elaborate. Why have 6 folders with 2 instruments buried down the bottom, and a separate Product Manager? Think on this.

You're a guy who wants to write a bit of music, not a computer expert. So you download Sampletank - free, to make you want to buy the instruments - and then you buy Miroslav Orchestra. SAMPLETANK automatically downloads Miroslav, NOT a separate product manager, asks you where you want the file system built, you say "Drive F" - the external drive you've just bought to put your lovely new sounds on - and SAMPLETANK builds the file hierarchy on that drive for you, installs the files there it's downloaded and brings up all your new sound names, neatly in the right categories (database file downloaded along with the sounds!) You love the sounds so you buy more. You run out of Drive F so you buy a Drive G. Sampletank asks you where you want the new files downloaded, you say Drive G and it downloads, builds file hierarchy, puts sounds where it wants them, does a new .DB file for those sounds. And so on. No multilayer folder hierarchies, downloading and installing individual sounds yourself so you can mess up like I reckon I have done! Combination ST and Product Manager, working seamlessly as one.

Till that wondrous day happens - I'm pretty sure I've messed up. I don't understand why I've got a little bunch of .ST4I files that Sampletank's not picking up on, despite repeatedly rescanning. I'm pretty sure there's at least a FEW instruments Miroslav's not finding (and why's 'Hot Horns' coming up in Woodwinds!?!?!) Ditto with the other instruments - I'm only getting a few names in each category and they're not totalling up to big enough to account for all that file size. Has anyone got lists of what SHOULD be coming up in each Sampletank menu and how to find/make Sampletank find all the missing instruments? All I've done thus far was search for .ST3I and .ST4I files, put them into one folder, used 'Libraries' to search that folder. That found the names. When I clicked on the names, I used the 'can't find TANK' error messages to manually put the .PAK files where Sampletank wanted them.

Sorry for the length of the above - I've got garrulous fingers. I think Sampletank's a great idea that needs simplifying down as in paragraph above. Wish it had CC7 and CC10 built in - gonna have to MIDI Yoke the standalone because my DAW's 32-bit and I've JBRIDGED Sampletank - prob. with THAT is you can't use the right-click menus, they just blink'n'vanish before you can use them. Never MIDI Yoked anything before - but before I do that, I want to know it's got all its instruments!

Yours hopefully,

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Re: Can anyone tell me what instruments I SHOULD have?

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:39 pm

I am sorry to hear about the problems you have run into.

First of all, this FAQ may help you with the correct folder hierarchy:

Disclaimer: I have not done this but it seems to be a logical approach. So proceed at your own risk. ;)

1: In your circumstances, I would be tempted to dump all the installed libraries and start again. :shock:

2: Then, run each standalone program (ST4, MP2, Syntronik etc) and in their preferences set the desired sounds library folder (for example, G:\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4).

3: Check that your have all the files for one of the products (pick a smaller one first) in the downloads folder used by IKPM. You can see the full list here under [Sounds Downloads] for each product. Download any missing ones.

4: Run the IKPM and select "Reinstall library". The IKPM user manual says:
7.3.2 – “Reinstall Library” button
Click on the “Reinstall Library” button to start the download and installation process again. If the previously downloaded Sound library has not been manually deleted and is still present on the machine, the download manager will simply copy the folder into the default library path. If the downloaded content is no longer available on the machine, the download manager will start the download from the beginning and the progress bar will

5: Check that all is OK. You can find instrument lists on the IK Multimedia web site; for example:

6: Run the standalone program. You may need to rescan the library folder. Check that you can load and play the instruments.

7: Repeat for each product.

If in doubt about any of the above, you can contact Technical Support here:
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Can anyone tell me what instruments I SHOULD have?

Postby Chrisulrich » Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:44 pm

Dear Darkstar.

If I'm being a pain, feel free to chuck me at Support - not sure what's going on. I'm getting "An error occurred while trying to create a file in the destination directory: Setup was unable to create the directory F:/ Sampletank/Instruments." from Syntronik Installation.

I don't have a drive F. I've never had a drive F. I've got a Drive C and a Drive E. Everything up until Syntronik's installed fine - as far as I know, haven't tried any of these out yet, still trying to install everything first, then I've got to install Sampletank, then I've got to make Sampletank find everything and I'm NOT looking forwards to that one again, it put years on my life last time I got that far! - why's Syntronik trying to make paths and files on a drive that doesn't exist? If I change the drive letter to F to let Syntronik install, then change it back to E because that's what it was when all the others installed, will Syntronik then tell me it can't find its files if I try to actually use it in real life?

I've never hit anything like this when trying to install stuff before - [Mod edit - removed]

Yours hopefully,

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Re: Can anyone tell me what instruments I SHOULD have?

Postby DarkStar » Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:57 pm

Two ideas:
1_ run the Syntronik standalone program and see what it says in its Preferences for the library path. Change it there if needed to the desired path (make sure the folder exists too).

2) In IKPM, you can select the destination path before installing the sounds. See 7.3.1 in the IKPM user manual.

Once you have installed al the libraries you can just add their paths to ST4's Preference Settings. Simples!
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Re: Can anyone tell me what instruments I SHOULD have?

Postby DarkStar » Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:37 am

Any news?
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