I apologize in advance, as I'm obviously missing something simple, but I've Googled and Googled and Googled, and fiddled about and fiddled about with settings and outputs and MIDI channels and wrappers and....I'm obviously missing something.
I'm trying to use a single Sample Tank instance in FL Studio and use that to create multiple piano roll/midi patterns. ((i.e Slot one is a bass (for pattern 1), slot 2 is an arp (for pattern 2), slot 3 is a pad (for pattern 3), etc)), but no matter how much I change outputs and MIDI channels, click on this instrument slot or that, or zone things, the pattern always defaults to instrument #1. Everything is Instrument #1.
I can 'play' the other Instruments separately, they even go to separate output channels on the mixer, but for making piano roll/MIDI patterns, as far as FL Studio is concerned, only Instrument #1 exists.
I know that I must be missing something simple, and that as popular as these two programs are, my not being able to find anything on Google is proof that I simply can't formulate the question correctly, but dag nabitt, I'm about to go kick a puppy over this... what am I missing?