Hi folks,
This post concerns Syntronik 2 Installer issues and access to the full set of presets.
Short versionPurchased TS3.5 and verifying install on Mac M1 laptop running Big Sur 11.6. I noticed a few anomalies around the Syntronik 2 installation I thought I'd share.
In a nutshell, the TS 3.0 installer for Syntronik DMG files is crashing. 3.0 package contents (Samples themselves) all work when manually installed but this process is A) tedious and B) error prone going synth by synth and directory by directory.
Anybody else having this problem and found a cure for the Installer failure?
Long(er) versionRosetta 2 means most of the install is working great. However, when going through Syntronik 2 I discovered a number of presets were not working. This is the:
"Instrument ST4 Error. Cannot locate Tank at path '/Volumes/Crucial 1TB/SONG/IK MULTIMEDIA/Syntronik 2/Samples/53 Syntronik M-Poly/M-Poly Saw 3-Osc.pak'."
error that has been discussed elsewhere. Poking around I discovered that the samples for these are located in the TS 3.0 release which I mistakenly thought would be included in the TS 3.5 installers. No problem. But...none of the
TS 3.0 installers would run without crashing. I unpacked the install package, saw a dependency on Terminal and sure enough, Terminal was not Rosetta enabled. Clicked option on but installer still crashed.
To verify that I needed the TS 3.0 samples I manually copied them into the Syntronik 2 Samples directory for the J-60 (as a test case) and sure enough, all of the presets came alive.
Problem solved! Except...
I'm loathe to manually unpack for each synth AND also concerned that instrument or other files could be overlooked. Although the samples seem to get everything working, there are also st4i files, etc and the types and quantities vary from synth to synth.
I've checked the IK website for latest releases (I am on the 12/2021 downloads). It really just looks like an
Installer script bug.
I can manually install the samples for a specific synth and all the presets come alive. It's the Installer itself that appears to be letting me down. Apologies if I've missed something obvious but would love to verify the installation and move on!