Cancel sustain pedal on a part

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Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby drwavenstein » Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:19 pm

I want to turn off the sustain pedal on a part of a multi (sampletank 4). I play live, so I prefer not to have my Bass Guitar patch sustaining.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:57 pm

Hello drwavenstein and welcome to the forum.

Can you explain a bit more about how you are using ST4? At first sight, the answer would be "Stop pressing the sustain pedal", but that cannot be right. ;)

All seems OK here:

I have two instruments loaded, triggered by MIDI on different channels. A synth is triggered by the red notes and Sustain is on for the first of those notes. The bass is triggered by the green notes and does not sustain, unless I add a Sustain CC event on its own MIDI channel.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby drwavenstein » Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:11 pm

I am using splits with layered* keyboard stacks, playing left-handed bass guitar - 'multistack-keys' on the left live playing. I don't want the bass guitar part to sustain. All parts are on ch.1 - except the drums (ch.10). I like to play live.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:17 pm

Ah, understood.

The Sustain CC events are processed per channel. All instruments on a channel would be affected, as you have found. I believe that another user asked about this in the past. But I do not know of a way currently. Please add this as a request to the SampleTank 4 Wish-list.

One way might be put the bass instrument on a different MIDI channel in ST4 (with the same note range set in the Layer, if needed) and to use some sort of external MIDI splitter, moving the bass (left-hand) notes onto that other MIDI channel. Some keyboards have a Zone feature, where they can be split into 2 ranges, with the notes in each Zone sent on a different MIDI channel. CC messages would still be on Channel 01, I guess.

Or, run 2 keyboards into ST4 standalone? (Never tried that.)
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby drwavenstein » Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:36 pm

That could be easier to pull off if you weren't using stacks.
The ẞass Pt. is zoned up to D#2, but yet I have it also stacked with an overlapping piano (88)
Which covers the bass pt A∅ - D#2 & the Piano is zoned A∅ - C7.
I'm not sure if my Midi Control will be able to send multi midi-channel
stacks of dual layered stacks or more simultaneously.
CC #64
I Have to check.

This was the last way that I wanted to be able to do this (EXTERNALLY).
The Program part within Sampletank would be a much more better way.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:21 pm

Hmm :)

So you have:
C-2 to G#0: bass only
A0 to D#2: bass and piano
E2 upwards: piano only
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby drwavenstein » Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:40 pm

Yeah. The ßass is just like the piano up to D#2

I have other synths stacked from E2 on out, with hi-string patch/split in the upper range.
It, a pretty nice multi-patch for covering most traditional music of genres, universally.

I can do it regularly with my Çubase & VSTI's.

But it would be better when playing 'live' music to just use Sampletank 4
If I could kill the sustain pedals on the Bass without using a Daw., Standalone.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:02 pm

Understood. As far as I can see the only solution would have to be done within ST4. Hence my suggestion of the ST4 Wish List.

But now I am curious - how would you do it in Cubase with ST4 as a plug-in (pics, please). How does Cubase detect CC events on MIDI channel 01 and not send them to the Bass instrument slot in ST4? But still send them to the Piano instrument?
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby starfox83 » Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:22 pm

I would like to suggest this feature as well, as the inability to assign a sustain to individual parts has caused me a lot of issues as well.

I use ST4 for live performances and sometimes I want to layer something like an arpeggiator on top of another sound (ie a syth arpeggiated on top of a piano). The problem is I can't un-assign the sustain from the arpeggiated part (the syth) but keep the sustain for the piano at the same time, and sustain on an arpeggiated part sounds terrible.

Can you please consider this as an update to ST4? It would greatly be appreciated!!!
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Re: Cancel sustain pedal on a part

Postby alanwayne » Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:15 pm

This would be great addition to the wish list. I struggle with this all the time when programming as I do use only 1 channel but split multiple parts across my keyboard.

There are other programs out there that have this functionality so it seems like it can be addressed with a checkbox button on each part that turns off the damper pedal.
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