I have Sampletron, Sonic Synth, Miroslav, and Sample Moog. I currently still use them in logic because I can run both 32 bit and 64 bit plugins.
I have been using Ableton more lately and decided to try importing all these libraries into Sample tank custom shop since I can't run them in 64 bit.
When I tried opening both logic and Ableton they would not open and just crash (because of failed sample tank CS validation). I deleted the VST & VST3 this allowed me to open Ableton but every time I closed ableton it would crash.
Logic would crash during the verication but still open. Sample Tank CS does not work in my logic. However, now in logic the biggest problem is I can no longer use Sampletron, miroslav, sonicsynth, and sample moog. The new IK authorizer I needed for Sample Tank CS screwed them up saying now they are going to disable in 10 days.
I tried reauthorizing them, however now my digital ID does not match anymore. I can't register online just takes me to a Not Valid webpage maybe because they are no longer supported.
I have given up on Sample tank Custom Shop but need to keep my old sampletron and other instruments working because Im on a deadline for a client that is big $$$$ contract job.
Any solutions would greatly be appreciated!
Logic 9.1.8 32 & 64 bit
Ableton live 9.7.7 64 bit
System Mac OS 10.9.5