Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Hammond B-3X, Syntronik, Syntronik Deluxe, SampleTank, Miroslav Philharmonik 2, SampleTron 2, and all Powered by SampleTank instruments and sounds for Mac/PC

Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby zedd » Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:10 pm

I love this Hammond B-3X organ and I'm going to use it as my main go-to organ from now on.

However, while there is so much that is fantastic about this instrument, there is one thing that is driving me crazy... THE PRESET SYSTEM SUCKS!!! It is so inconvenient and I can't believe that IKM has not addressed this yet in version 1.3.3.

I strongly request and recommend the following changes to the preset system ergonomics:

(1) Add the usual Up an Down arrows beside the preset name so that you can click through them without opening up the drop down menu. When creating preset variations you want to be able to quickly compare them, rifling back and forth between them. This is definitely not possible as things are now. When quickly auditioning factory presets you don't want to have to open the drop down menu each time you want to go to the next one.

(2) A folder for USER presets so that they are not mixed in with all the other factory presets when you save something. I'd like my presets automatically saved in user folder which shows menus to the side when you mouse over the folder, like with normal file/preset systems.

(3) A wider window for displaying the preset name so that longer preset names are not truncated. There is enough room to DOUBLE the current length that is allowable and it is definitely too short (especially when we have to code our presets to invent our own USER presets method).

(4) How about an option to reduce the leading between preset names so that MORE can be shown in the list without having to scroll? There is too much space between the preset names and this is true in other products too... I miss the days of SampleTank 2 when lists were TIGHT and you could see a lot of presets listed without having to scroll. This should be a preference in all products, imo.

(5) A favorite system to FAVORITE your factory favorites, and ideally they would all automatically appear together (aliased versions perhaps) in a dedicated menu as the USER presets would.

(6) The inclusion of a COMPARE button so that you can compare changes you have made to the preset (before saving) with the currently saved version of the preset.

These 6 things are all standard preset system features that are usually employed these days for maximum ease of use... the fact that ALL of them are absent on Hammond B-3X is very surprising. Please update this so that this FABULOUS instrument is more fun to use and work with.

Thanks for listening,

Non-MODO Drum compliant MacPro, 32GB RAM, OSX El Capitan (soon to be Sierra), Digital Performer 8, SampleTank 2XL (using 32Lives), SampleTank 3 & 4, Amplitube 5, T-Racks 5 Deluxe, and more...
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby Cambo1032 » Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:01 pm

Having just bought this organ there's 2 obvious problems.

1. When you click on the plugin there's about a 6 second delay before it actually opens.
Not talking about the initial load, this is every time you click on it. My computer is by no means weak either. Pro Tools 12, 64 bit, Core i9, 32Gb RAM.
No other plugin does this. This shouldn't be happening for such an expensive plugin.

2. It seems you can't remove the drawbar presets. So every time I do say a gliss from the bottom, it changes the sound. I realise this is the way the real Hammond works, but most people are playing through regular keyboards. There should be an option to deactivate the presets.
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:06 pm

Cambo1032 wrote:1. When you click on the plugin there's about a 6 second delay before it actually opens.
Not talking about the initial load, this is every time you click on it. My computer is by no means weak either. Pro Tools 12, 64 bit, Core i9, 32Gb RAM.
No other plugin does this. This shouldn't be happening for such an expensive plugin.

Please report this issue to IK Support. This is a wishlist thread and you're reporting an issue you are having. This is not the expected behavior
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby peter.van.rompuy » Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:54 pm

I am using B-3X now for a half year live on stage. Just wonderfull !!
Maybe some issues still missing to make it even more perfect: Can you include the sound of the leslie switching relay and the rumbling sound of the bass rotor? Both volume adjusted please....
Hope this will be included in the next version....
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby ATJohnson83 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:36 pm

I just bought the b3x and it is wonderful however I am not seeing a way to calibrate the expression pedal. I am using a korg expression pedal with my controller and it does not respond accurately to the software expression pedal. Is this something that can be fixed in b3x or is it a hardware issue?

Also, would be lovely to be able to CC the keyboard split.
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby rcates » Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:04 pm

Although I have the full pc version, I also just got the IOS version. Actually very impressed. I've experimented and if yo have a blueboard, you can control at least 4 items, I do the Leslie speed, brake, percussion, and am trying to get the sustain to work, but haven't gotten to the bottom of that yet. So for me that frees up fingers to do other things. So i can switch from amplitube and the BX-3 no problem. The only thing is whatever the switches were set for say amplitube control of pedal on'off, those settings will transfer to the BX when you switch over just hafto adjust if necessary as needed, and vice versa. think i have an easy workaround for that in the works, although its not that big a deal. So with external midi control to "play" it, I set the MIDI control to any and it oicks up both.
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Re: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby tobigoetter » Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:53 pm

torsten.ecke wrote:
Spherical3 wrote:+1 for support for a sustain pedal. Not a feature of a real B3, I know, but eminently useful in the context of a plugin.

I'd also like to request an option to be able to disable the bottom octave preset-changing keys, to avoid accidental sound changes when playing on keyboards that don't have differently-coloured keys.


+1 on both of Neil's requests.

Plus another one on the bottom octave: could we have the option to write-protect all preset keys except Bb and B - like in a real-life Hammond? I'd love the option to easily return to a defined drawbar setting - without incorporating any changes I make during live play?

This is how I would like it to work (maybe make this behavior optional via settings):
- Preset keys B and Bb automatically save all changes I make with the drawbars - feels like the real thing
- all other preset keys set the drawbars to their stored values when selected. After that, I can still make changes to the drawbars (unlike on a real Hammond). But these changes only get "saved" to the preset keys when I hit an explicit "save" button; otherwise the drawbars will be reset to the saved values when I hit that preset key again (even while it is currently selected).

Last feature request - again on presets: I'd like to have the option to have percussion behave like on a real Hammond: it is only active on preset key B. This makes it easy to e.g. set the B preset to a Jimmy Smith 888000000 with percussion, then Bb to full-out. When selecting full-out, percussion is automatically turned off, going back to B, I have my percussion back. That's how the original is wired if I recall correctly...



+1 on for preset write-protect!!!


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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby kindafishy » Sun Dec 19, 2021 5:17 pm

I know this is a repeat request, but next/previous (+/-) buttons on the preset browser please. It is puzzling to me why it isn't already done this way since, like, all your other products have this, and it is so painful to flip through and find a quick starting point without this.
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby ukm12000 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:07 pm

Cambo1032 wrote:Having just bought this organ there's 2 obvious problems.

1. When you click on the plugin there's about a 6 second delay before it actually opens.
Not talking about the initial load, this is every time you click on it. My computer is by no means weak either. Pro Tools 12, 64 bit, Core i9, 32Gb RAM.
No other plugin does this. This shouldn't be happening for such an expensive plugin.

2. It seems you can't remove the drawbar presets. So every time I do say a gliss from the bottom, it changes the sound. I realise this is the way the real Hammond works, but most people are playing through regular keyboards. There should be an option to deactivate the presets.

1. This occurs all the time on my system and in 50% of this cases Studio One (latest version) freezes and has to be started again.

3. This could be solved by restricting the range for the MIDI input.

Another observation is that when recording there are additional lanes in the automation date (i. e. Leslie Speed; Expression) though they are mapped to CC64 and CC11). These data are redundant.
Last thing I discovered is that Studio One won't render in some cases when the B-3X instrument track is muted.
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby JohnMartinKvalsund68 » Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:21 am

String bass, please! Then we can use pedals directly in VST instead of having to map up another VST trough a DAW to play jazz bass pedals.
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby maprifi » Thu May 05, 2022 11:51 am

When splitting a 61note-keyboard in upper and lower manual, a transpose-function for the lower manual would be very useful. Imagine you play chords on lower. Your lower zone will be at least one octave too low! I like this function very much on another clonewheel software from Italy!
Greetings Martin
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby Raydyo54 » Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:31 pm

I'm brand new to B3-X and IK but I like it so much that I am considering switching my whole hardware-based rig over to VSTs. Gotta get a much better laptop first.

Looking through the wish list here I see a lot of requests for stuff that, to me, are issues to be addressed in the midi controller not in the instrument - transposing of splits, latching or non-latching slow/fast footswitch, preset selection, etc. If you don't want to accidentally hit the black key presets, don't send them from the controller. As far as sustain pedal. I don't use it on organ, but I suppose I can see some usefulness when you are trying to be several instruments at once. NOit high on my personal wish list

Here is my wish list more related to the sound (which is already pretty awesome). IK has obviously been inspired by the late, great Jon Lord with the Leslie/Marshall mix. It would be even better if I could get his ring modulator in the chain. Perhaps offer the option to exchange the wah pedal with a ring mod pedal. (My Nords all have this)

Also a couple of effects that I could do on my ancient Roland VK-8 that no-one seems to be doing in newer software or hardware instruments:

Turning off the tone wheel motor (leaving the amps on). I suppose an extended pitch wheel range would come close,

Kicking the **** out of that spring reverb.

Just my $.05 cents, after inflation. :D
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby zz@coptox.com » Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:48 pm

Seriously in need of an additional CC mapping item for the LESLIE VOLUME

Otherwise MASTER volume has to be (ab)used to correct for when boosting LESLIE GAIN.
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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby Gourockian63 » Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:45 pm

Hi, I'm a newcomer to the Hammond B-3X and so far I'm very impressed with it. I've noticed a few comments on the forum regarding the transpose feature and would like to add my request.

I'm one of those keyboard players who never learned to play in all key signatures and at 73, I don't feel inclined to try learning now. So, although I can scrape by playing in D, F and A, I mainly play in C or G and depend on using transpose to change pitch to other key signatures.

I have both a Yamaha Tyros2 and a Korg Pa1000 (both 61-keys) and the problem I'm seeing when using B-3X is that if I transpose up say, 3 steps to match Eb (playing in C), the lower 3 notes do not sound. Similarly, transposing down causes me to lose sound when playing the top keys. As already mentioned in other posts, transposing down and playing the lower notes on my keyboard selects the inverted keys, changing the sounds.

Would it be possible in the next revision to limit the transpose function to only the pitch of the semitone steps and not the actual keys? This would mean that, in my first example of transposing up 3 semitones, playing low C on my keyboard would sound low Eb but in the B-3X screen, the low C key would show being pressed, matching the hardware keyboard. This would overcome the issue of the black preset keys being selected accidentally and would still allow the full 61-key range to be used.

Hopefully, the IK engineers will give some serious thought to this suggestion.


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Re: Split from: Official Hammond B-3X Wish List!

Postby Raydyo54 » Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:30 pm

I agree with Al's request regarding transpose. I don't often resort to that unless there has been a last minute key change, but I have a similar complaint when using my 73 or 76 not keyboards. No sound at the ends. What most hardware clones do is to keep folding back on the low end and just drop the highest drawbars at the top end. No additional samples or tone wheel models required. Sure, this deviates from a totally pure emulation, but I would rather not accidentally reach too far and hear nothing.
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