Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Hammond B-3X, Syntronik, Syntronik Deluxe, SampleTank, Miroslav Philharmonik 2, SampleTron 2, and all Powered by SampleTank instruments and sounds for Mac/PC

Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby pimpbot » Mon May 16, 2022 2:42 am

Synth requests:

Roland D50/D70/D10/D110 would be nice.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby tgorycki » Fri May 27, 2022 6:41 pm

I love the ToneNet feature that has recently been added to AmpliTube 5! Would love to see it incorporated into Syntronik 2 at some point. One benefit of having access to user shared presets; IK cannot legally use song/band names in their presets, but users typically can get away with it, so it would be fairly easy to share presets and multis for that matter.

Speaking of AmpliTube, it would be cool to somehow integrate AmpliTube and Syntronik for some guitar synth presets. I realize there would be limitations since the guitar wouldn't have a hex pickup, but something like an ARP Avatar or Roland GR 500 crossover between platforms would be cool. I'd also love to see an ARP Odyssey in Syntronik someday.

Thanks for everything the team at IK does!!!
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby pimpbot » Sat May 28, 2022 2:38 am

Oh man, I could really use a CZ101/1000/5000 clone plug in! How hard would that be to do? How much demand for this? Just me?
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby Steve-xyz » Sat May 28, 2022 5:24 pm

With Syntronik 2's 4 layers, mod matrix, envelopes, I would like to see a clone of the E-Mu sampler/rompler synths. Digital Sound Factory seems to have struck a deal with In-Brands to sell E-Mu Packs for AIR Structure. Might be nice to have E-Mu Wave Sets if IK can come to an arrangement with DSF.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby DarkStar » Mon May 30, 2022 2:24 pm

When "Building Database" skip the non- Syntronik instruments. to make the rebuild much quicker

In order to pick up my Syntronik 1 synths I include the SampleTank 3 library in Syntronik's Settings / Sound Content. The rebuild is running while I type this and, I am pretty sure, is scanning all the SampleTank 3 instruments (and others) too.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby Steve-xyz » Mon May 30, 2022 2:34 pm

DarkStar wrote:When "Building Database" skip the non- Syntronik instruments. to make the rebuild much quicker.

Nice tip!

I installed the SYN2 files to an SSD, but have the ST3 files on an external storage drive, so just scanning the Syntronik ST3 folders should be a time saver!! And more budget conscious than getting a larger SSD drive. ;-)
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby oqpoil » Mon May 30, 2022 3:49 pm

zerocrossing wrote:Allow deep editing on Syntronik 1 patches.

Or convert V1 presets to V2

zerocrossing wrote:If a preset (I'm looking at you Alice Palace) can't find its samples, don't just complain. Allow it to get manually pointed to the right place.

-Allow to lock filters in preset browser.

-Allow to apply curvature/tension on the attack, decay and release of the AHDSR enveloppes.

-Allow to save and load AHDSR enveloppes presets.

-Allow to save and load modulation matrix line presets and not only all the modulation of the matrix.

-Complete the manual:
*element pitch???
element time,formants,grain and harmonic preservation???

*element and zone???
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby darlomrh » Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:34 am

Is there any chance we could get multi out for Syntronik so A-D can be on a separate out. Allowing volume and FX for slots A-D etc to be controlled in the DAW as well as the VST.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby smallpotatos » Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:22 am

darlomrh wrote:Is there any chance we could get multi out for Syntronik so A-D can be on a separate out. Allowing volume and FX for slots A-D etc to be controlled in the DAW as well as the VST.

This is something else I'd like too.

Another feature I think would be neat is being able to click the individual effect on the Browser page and it would pop up lightbox style for quick editing. Otherwise, why have them so prominent on the display?
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby keyofdidier2022 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 8:08 pm

I'd like a proper "uninstall" feature that correctly removes all folders, all samples, all files, etc. ... At the moment, it is tedious to clean up anything.

Also, in that same vein, a "relocate" function would be great to move libraries to a new hard drive. [mod redacted]

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby PaulMueck1 » Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:30 am

A display of the available presets depending on the selected instruments and filters would be very desirable. If nothing is selected, the total number could be displayed.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby toyst3in » Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:38 am

1) Provide Macro controls in Syntronik 2 interface. Sampletank provides them..
2) Provide the option to view models as text rather than pictures (again sample tank allows this). Probably don't need to double space everything as well. Overall the preset browser needs help.

Love your products.
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby FiatLux8 » Sat Sep 17, 2022 1:02 pm

As far as I can see then nobody has wished for this before - which I do not understand !
(below may seem very convoluted , it is not !. It is very simple and very perfect but may require very skilled programmers to implement not to screw up interfaces)

I wish for the ability to present instrument/preset browser as context based and as 'true tabbed browsing' in the sense that :

Step 1 :
If I click respectively tab A , B , C or D in top left of Syntronik 2 interface
Step 2 :
Then click to choose instrument in middle of top of Syntronik 2 interface

Then result , what interface is presented as result should be shown in context to if I clicked tab A , B , C or D in step 1

Example 1 :
A choice :
(Step1 ) : I click (tab) A , then (step 2) in top middle click choose instrument , then in interface left click KW-8000 and M-12 and then to the middle/right in second row select 'Take The Lead'
Then I move on to (tab) B and repeat steps
B choice :
(Step1 ) : I click (tab) B, then (step 2) in top middle click choose instrument , then in interface left click Obie One and PolyMorph and then to the middle/right in second row select 'Bass Growl'

As is the Syntronik 2 interface keeps interface including selected instruments as SAME no matter if I click A , B , C or D and NO MATTER what instrument(s) were chosen in e.g. A or B or if I had not previously chosen any instrument or cleared chosen instrument for that Tab (

What Syntronik 2 should be able to do is to remember browser setting for each Tab independently ! So rather than mixing up browsing then browsing should be true tabbed browsing so that content shown is 'context based' , meaning depending on if I clicked A , B , C or D and what I clicked on the respective Tabs last time I chose it.
So that in reference to Example 1 given above then once steps in Example 1 has been executed then every time I click (tab) A in top left and then instrument choice in top middle then interface should load my A choices (KW-8000 and M-12 to the left and then in second row select 'Take The Lead') and NONE of the tab B settings.
And When I click (tab) B in top left and then instrument choice in top middle then my (tab) B choices (Obie One and PolyMorph to the left and then in second row select 'Bass Growl') should be (shown as) selected and NONE of the (tab) A choices should be selected.
And if I have not chosen any instrument/preset for that 'tab' (A, B, C or D) previously , or chosen to 'reset'/'cleared' that instrument to nil then interface should be reset to showing no choice.

ALSO , sub-dependent and equally annoying as is present instrument browser menu function is this :
At present function IS :
If I choose (tab) B top left and go to middle top of interface and chose from menu (save as , rename , empty) and choose 'Empty' then the Syntronik 2 will remove not only any instrument choice in instrument/preset browser for (tab) B but ALSO remove any instrument choice in instrument/preset browser for (tab) A !!!
Where I should be able to keep my instrument choice (to the left) in instrument/preset browser for each 'tab' (A,B,C,D) separately.
Functionality could be improved even further by adding / altering middle top menu (save as , rename , empty) to "save as , rename , empty , clear " where difference would be that 'empty' only removes instrument/preset choice from 'in use' , where 'clear' would work as 'empty' do now !!!

Of course you could make all these 'abilities' a user choice to cater for those that will/can not see the advantage of true tabbed browsing. But rather than do that then it would be much easier to please those that wants 'as is' by giving (tab) A,B,C and D top left choice an extra function by allowing for right clicking on either and then giver user ability of copying other tab instrument AND instrument browser choice by clicking choice in right click menu of each of the A,B,C and D choices top left! (Example in right-click menu of tab D choices would be copy A , B or C )

Though it's a lot of work trying to be as clear and specific as above then should above not be clear despite my best attempt for it to be so then feel free to inquire as for clarification.

Kind regards

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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby FiatLux8 » Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:52 am

I take back the part of the wish concerning a new menu point 'clear' (the altering middle top menu save as , rename , empty to "save as , rename , empty , clear ") because it do not make any real sense.
The whole idea of making the browsing for instruments and presets tabbed and context based is because that when trying to combine sounds , layering , then of course it would improve functionality of Syntronik 2 sound browsing if one could go back to where one was last for each of the A,B,C, and D independently when wanting to swap the sound for something else maybe a little different but not all together different. But adding the mentioned menu point do not make any real sense in that matter because , come to think of it , then if one just wants to 'dismount' sound temporarily then one can mute it and if wanting to swap then, as long as the tabbed context based browsing is made then one can just do exactly that , go back to where one was when browsing for that sound and just swap it for something else and the 'empty' is just fine as is as long as that only works on the browsing of the current tab.
So sorry , my mistake with respect to that specific part of that wish !
But rest of the wish remain as written above. And I wish for same functionality in Sample Tank 4 too !
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Re: Official Syntronik 2 Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby henrybaum » Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:46 pm

Minor issue - I'd like to know what type of synth has been chosen in the description window, as well as the image and description.
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