Add function to go directly to loaded Instrument when clicking on it from the Layer Browser. Right now, it just goes to the last thing I looked at in the Instrument Browser.

Also, make a way you can duplicate an instrument from one slot to the next using alt-drag or some other key command. Its too much effort to always have to save the Instrument or go find it in the Instrument Browser again...especially if you've made some minor edits, but don't really want to save them at that point. This interrupts the creative flow by having to come up with a name, style, mood, and then save in a folder you might have to track down later.
Ditto goes for Effects chains. The functionality for dragging individual effects around in the Mixer is excellent, we just need a little handle or button to drag that entire chain to another Mixer channel. Or maybe an icon to the left of the lock that will open a menu that allows you to copy the chain to specific channel?
Allow for Master channel in Mixer to be sent to separate output like the other Mixer channels.