I have been trying to find some usable orchestra VST's for a while and not being satisfied with what I got in Komplete 10 ultra, Amadeus and Adagietto I gave up and promised myself I wouldn't buy anymore, but listening to my work, I could not keep my promise and bought Philharmonic 2 CE. Once again I was dissapointed.
So I'm beginning to think there's somthing wrong with my setup and I was wondering if I can get users of MP2 CE to listen to some output and see if it sounds like it's supposed to.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gi1f9aq6cghs8 ... o.mp3?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t7m2qcql3o2b5 ... n.mp3?dl=0
Personally I think it's very noisy and It's been like that with all the others I have tried, too
Hope somehone can help