Sampletank 4 - Keyboard velocity curve?

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Sampletank 4 - Keyboard velocity curve?

Postby MettaFusionStudios7 » Sat May 06, 2023 8:32 am

Hello all, I have a question regarding keyboard velocity curves. Is there a way of editing them? I sometimes feel that I have to hit the keys too hard in order to get the loudest tone, and I occasionally get a stray loud note when I am not expecting it. Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find an answer.
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Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:33 pm

Re: Sampletank 4 - Keyboard velocity curve?

Postby Promidi » Sun May 07, 2023 2:00 pm

Depends on which Sampletank engine a preset uses.

If you load a preset that uses the Sampletank 3 Legacy engine, velocity curve editing is not available.

If you load a preset that uses the Sampletank 4 engine, velocity curve editing is available under the “Play” section (where you change between “mono” and “Poly”. The knob is actually labelled “Velocity Curve”.

You will be able to tell if you have loaded a preset that uses the Sampletank 3 Legacy engine by having a look under the “Elements” section. You will see “ST3 Legacy” therein. For an ST4 engined preset, that will be absent.

Bear in mind, if a preset uses multiple elements, you may have to edit the velocity curve for each element.
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Re: Sampletank 4 - Keyboard velocity curve?

Postby MettaFusionStudios7 » Mon May 08, 2023 5:04 am

Thank you promidi - I didn't know that knob was there :) I managed to find a free vst plugin called midiCurve that allows to make a curve using an X / Y graph. It works well for me, but will give the inbuilt option a go and see the difference.
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Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:33 pm

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