Need to authorize an already authorized SW?!

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Need to authorize an already authorized SW?!

Postby mikav » Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:03 pm


What needs to be done when I have an authorized IK Multimedia software installed but needs to be authorized? Well, I don't not like this at all. Please, close this thread and remove it, but I just wanted to tell you that this is really not how it should be. Please, help me not to hate this software infrastructure.

IK Multimedia Product Manager informs me that the software is in authorized state and when I open the Syntronik plugin in Ableton Live I shall open the Authorization Manager to authorize Synkronik, but the application not allow me to login with perfectly correct credentials. I "don't like very much" (actually :evil: ) to start playing around with the authorization toys when I want to make music. I am now reading this support forum when I would like to make music. "Musicians First" is not really what I see here.

I would have an image capture but there is no place to attach it. I cleaned a lot of negative text away from this message. This seems to be near to the end point of my relation to IK Multimedia. [mod redacted: rules]

p.s. For some reason later on I then succeeded to login with my correct credentials to Autohorization Manager and succeeded in authorization of Synkronik (with serial number copied from your service, how ridiculous is that). But when I tried to get sound out of Synkronik then I was again asked to Authorize. Maybe it is then so that every sound should be authorized. I completely "dislike" (you can read this with a stronger word) it from the bottom of my heart. BTW, I don't like you way to promote your products everywhere in the software that I am using for creating music.

p.p.s. Maybe you think that everything was like a "stupid user" thing, but I need to tell you that this is probably NOT the way how you will keep your paying customers. [mod redacted: rules]

p.p.p.s. And now the Syntronik is freezing in a freshly opened Ableton project.

p.p.p.p.s. Maybe I need to admit that I lost my money.
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Re: Need to authorize an already authorized SW?!

Postby DarkStar » Sat Dec 26, 2020 2:17 pm

Hello mikav and welcome to the forum.

First of all, you have absolutely not lost your money. I can understand your frustration and am sorry to hear about the problems you are running into.

As this is primarily a user to user forum, someone-else may chip in [#] to advise you.

Meanwhile, the best thing to do is contact Support, via here. There is a link at the top of the Search FAQs page to the Technical Support form, for some one to one investigation and help. Response time is usually within 2 working days (US (East Coast) Business hours, generally), but in the current circumstances please allow some more time.

[#] But please remember that the same symptoms do not necessarily mean the same problem.

And, to help others who run into a similar problem, please let us know what you did to resolve the problem. Please do not quote directly any correspondence from Support, as that may apply only to your particular circumstances.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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