Non trovoi suoni di ST3 dentro ST4 [Resolved]

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Non trovoi suoni di ST3 dentro ST4 [Resolved]

Postby neldrago » Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:31 pm

Salve a tutti,
è la prima volta che scrivo nel forum, ho provato a cercare argomenti simili, ma non mi è sembrato di trovare nulla.

Il mio problema è questo: Ho comprato ST4SE, correttamente, autorizzato, ed installato. Ho fatto il download dei Suoni. Mi sembra di averli installati tutti correttamente (alla fine della procedura di installazione mi restituisce il messaggio di installazione corretta).
Idem è successo quando ho installato i due SampleTank_3SE_Sound_Content_Part1 e part 2
Tuttavia quando avvio SampleTank non trovo i suoni di SampleTank_3_SE_Sound_Content_Part_1 e part2, mentre le librerie di ST4 sono presenti.
Onestamente non so più cosa fare, esattamente dove bisogna puntare durante l'installazione come cartella per installare le dette librerie?
Io avevo lasciato la stessa directory delle librerie di ST4 (nel mio pc dovrebbe essere C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4).
Quindi vorrei capire quale directory divrei indicare nella procedura di installazione degli SampleTank 3 SE Sound Content (parte 1 e 2)
Grazie per l'aiuto che mi potrete dare.

Problema analogo ho con la Miroslav tuttavia questa sono riuscito a farla partire al di fuori di ST4 (dopo infinite prove di installazione delle librerie). In ST4 quando selezione la colonna destra mi restituisce il messaggio (per fare un esempio): Instrument ST4 Error. Cannot locate Tank at path 'C:/Users/Public/Documents/IK Multimedia/SampleTank 4/Samples/51 Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE/Strings/Ensemble/Violins/Violins Staccato shp mf d.pak'.
Se la apro come Philarmonik nessun problema.
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:47 pm

As translated by Google:

Hello everyone,
it is the first time I write in the forum, I tried to look for similar topics, but I didn't seem to find anything.

My problem is this: I bought ST4SE, correctly, authorized, and installed. I downloaded the Sounds. I seem to have installed them all correctly (at the end of the installation procedure it returns the correct installation message).

Ditto happened when I installed the two SampleTank_3SE_Sound_Content_Part1 and part 2

However when I start SampleTank I don't find the sounds of SampleTank_3_SE_Sound_Content_Part_1 and part2, while the ST4 libraries are present.
Honestly I don't know what to do anymore, exactly where should I point during the installation as a folder to install the said libraries?

I had left the same directory as the ST4 libraries (on my pc it should be C: \ User \ Public \ Documents \ IK Multimedia \ SampleTank 4).

So I would like to understand which directory I would like to indicate in the SampleTank 3 SE Sound Content installation procedure (part 1 and 2)

Thanks for the help you can give me.

I have a similar problem with the Miroslav, however this one I managed to start outside of ST4 (after endless tests of installation of the libraries). In ST4 when I select the right column it gives me the message (for example): Instrument ST4 Error. Cannot locate Tank at path 'C: / Users / Public / Documents / IK Multimedia / SampleTank 4 / Samples / 51 Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE / Strings / Ensemble / Violins / Violins Staccato shp mf d.pak'.
If I open it as Philarmonik no problem.

Hello neldrago and welcome to the forum

You should use 2 different library paths for the ST4 and ST3 sounds. You said that you used "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4" for ST4. I suggest that you use "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3" for the ST3 sounds.

You could either move the ST3 library folders and files into "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3" . Or, reinstall the ST3 sounds into that folder then remove the duplicates from the ST4 library folder. Or, delete all the folders and files, create the 2 main folders and rerun all the ST4 and ST3 sounds installers, picking the appropriate library location. Do whichever is easiest for you.

The Miroslav folders and sub-folders should also be in the ST3 library (that is done so that ST3 can access the MP2 instruments. Again, you might be able tro move them, or reinstall the MP" library, selecting "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3" as the location.

Then, in ST3 Preferences, set the Disk path to "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3". Do the same for MP2.

And in ST4 Settings / Sound Content, add both paths
"C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4" and
"C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3"

Ciao neldrago e benvenuto nel forum

È necessario utilizzare 2 percorsi di libreria diversi per i suoni ST4 e ST3. Hai detto di aver usato "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4" per ST4. Ti suggerisco di usare "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3" per i suoni ST3.

È possibile spostare le cartelle e i file della libreria ST3 in "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3". In alternativa, reinstallare i suoni ST3 in quella cartella, quindi rimuovere i duplicati dalla cartella della libreria ST4. Oppure, elimina tutte le cartelle e i file, crea le 2 cartelle principali ed esegui nuovamente tutti i programmi di installazione dei suoni ST4 e ST3, selezionando la posizione della libreria appropriata. Fai quello che è più semplice per te.

Le cartelle e le sottocartelle Miroslav dovrebbero trovarsi anche nella libreria ST3 (ciò in modo che ST3 possa accedere agli strumenti MP2. Ancora una volta, potresti essere in grado di spostarli o reinstallare la libreria "MP", selezionando "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3 "come posizione.

Quindi, in Preferenze ST3, impostare il percorso del disco su "C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3". Fai lo stesso per MP2.

E in Impostazioni ST4 / Contenuto audio, aggiungi entrambi i percorsi
"C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4" e
"C:\User\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3"

In bocca al lupo!
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:50 pm

Dai un'occhiata a e fai clic su "I can't find or load my Virtual Instrument's sound content library, what can I do??"
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby neldrago » Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:36 am

First of all: thank you thank you thank you for your kind reply. It feels less desperate when it has feedback.

I followed the procedure and I created the ST3 folder for the ST3 sound folder.
In the "Instruments" sub-folder (ST3) there are all the instruments and everything seemed ok. (01_nameofinstrument etc.).
However, after refreshing the tools, I got an error like:
Instrument ST3 Error. Cannot locate Tank at path 'C: / Users / Public / Documents / IK Multimedia / SampleTank 4 / (...) nameofinstrument.pak'.

Then I copied the folders of the instruments present in the "Samples" subfolder of ST3, in the "Samples" folder of ST4 (01 nameofinstument - without underscore - as the folder is named).
After the refresh ST4 finds all the instruments.
I wonder at this point if I have to delete the ST3 Samples folder (the contents of which have been copied to the ST4 Samples folder).

As for Miroslav, I still have to understand.
In fact: in the Instruments folder of ST4 there is the directory "51_Miroslav Philharmonik 2";
in Samples folder there is the folder "51 Miroslav Philharmonik 2".
However ST4 keeps giving me the error (it's an example):
Instrument ST4 Error. Cannot locate Tank at path 'C: / Users / Public / Documents / IK Multimedia / SampleTank 4 / Samples / 51 Miroslav Philharmonik 2 / Strings / Ensemble / Violins / Violins Staccato shp mf d.pak'.

Thanks again for your attention, I really really really appreciated
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:31 pm

You are welcome. :)

I am glad that you have made significant progress. As well as copying across the "Instruments" and Samples" folders, there may be some other folders too. Here are the folders that I have for ST4 and ST3:

Image >>>

It is possible to extract the other ST3-related folders and files from the ST4 library and delete some of the files from the ST4 library, but I think it will be safer and cleaner to remove both libraries completely and install them again into the two respective folders.

As for Miroslav Philharmonik, its sounds library should also be installed into the ST3 library only.

For clarity can you say exactly which IK Multimedia sampler products and libraries you have?
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby neldrago » Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:05 pm

I take advantage of your patience.
these are the comparative screens between ST3 and ST4.
I have never used the IK libraries (only spitfire audio and orchestral tool ... simpler to install).

Do you think something is missing?
Frankly I am terrified of uninstalling and installing again.
thanks always for any suport you could possibly give me.
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:24 pm

The SampleTank3 folders look OK, except that "19 Sound Fx" is missing from "Instruments".

As for the SampleTank 4 folder:
-- please have another look at the ST4 folder hierarchy shown in the FAQ above
-- ST4 instruments are located in "...\SampleTank 4\Instruments\SampleTank 4"
-- and the samples are in "...\SampleTank 4\Samples\SampleTank 4"
-- yes, there is a "SampleTank 4" sub-folder within "Instruments" and "Samples".

-- the folders named "01__Acoustic Drums" to "21__Synth FX in "SampleTank 4\Instruments" are, I guess, copies of those in the ST3 folder
-- the same goes for the folders in "SampleTank 4\Samples"

Can you double-check that? If they are the same, then they can be deleted from the "SampleTank 4\Instruments" and "SampleTank 4\Samples" folders. You do not need the ST3 instruemtns and samples in the ST4 library folders. But keep that "SampleTank 4 folder at the bottom of each. If you are worried then just move them into new folders named ".../temp/Instruments" and ".../temp/samples".

And can you post screenshots of the sub-folders in "...\SampleTank 4\Instruments\SampleTank 4" and "...\SampleTank 4\Samples\SampleTank 4"?
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby neldrago » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:21 pm

ST4 instruments: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4\Instruments

Samples: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4\Samples

ST4 Samples Subfolders: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4\Samples\SampleTank 4

ST4 Intruments subf: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4\Instruments\SampleTank 4

-- the folders named "01__Acoustic Drums" to "21__Synth FX in "SampleTank 4\Instruments" are, I guess, copies of those in the ST3 folder
-- the same goes for the folders in "SampleTank 4\Samples"

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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:53 pm

OK, those last two screenshots look correct for the ST4 instruments and samples. :)

As for the first 2, they show the (duplicate) ST3 instruments and samples within the ST4 library. And you have confirmed that the contents of those folders is the same as those in the ST3 sounds library itself.

So you can delete or move those duplicates?
-- from the "SampleTank 4\Instruments" and "SampleTank 4\Samples" folders.
-- keep that "SampleTank 4" folder at the bottom of each.
- if you are worried then just move them into new folders outside the main "IK Multimedia/SampleTank 4" folder, named, for example ".../temp/Instruments" and ".../temp/samples".

Nearly there. :)
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby neldrago » Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:20 am

When something can go wrong ... then it will be worse.

Unfortunately after the last windows update, a critical error does not start the pc.
I am terrified of having to install it all over again. :shock:
These are problems that go beyond my skills, so I will have to take it to a technician who, I hope, will solve the problem allowing me not to have to install everything again.

I heartily thank you for all the precious and generous support you have given me.
When I return to my PC (evaluating the degree of damage) I will come back to disturb you. I am grateful to you for all the help you have given me and that you can possibly give me in the future.
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:36 am

Hmm, I am very sorry to hear that. Is there no way to start in safe mode and do a System Restore or "Back to last known good configuration"?

Don't you love those automatic mandatory Windows 10 Updates. one of the worst things Microsoft has done. MS says that there are over 1 billion Windows 10 users world-wide. If just 0.01% get a critical error that is still 100,000 users. :(
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby neldrago » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:20 am

Is there no way to start in safe mode and do a System Restore or "Back to last known good configuration"?

No way. Not for me.
At first time the Blue Screen of Death appeared continuously, then not even that.
Right from the system boot screen there are problems. It's absurd
I can't say for sure but system files will appear to have corrupted.

I had read that one of the latest win10 updates could create fatal errors (and I'm the choosen one). For this reason I had postponed the update for several months. However, 'cause I'm stupid, stupid, stupid, I had totally removed the problem and it was installed yesterday.
Today in a pause I disassembled the SSD disk to check if there was any problem. Luckily, connecting it to another pc the SSD is recognized as an external HD.
Yesterday I was in a pitiful state.

I am not a professional musician (although I attended the conservatory), I play with a jazz quartet and locally I have been asked for some music for theater performances.
I don't have much time, but re installing all the vst - with its inevitable problems - will be a disaster (Sample Tank, Miroslav Philarmonic, Spitfire audio and some instruments, Sine player by Orchestra tools, some vst that runs in Kontakt).
Forgive the outburst and always thanks.
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:04 pm

I do hope that you get it sorted out without too many problems.
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby neldrago » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:08 pm

It seems fair to communicate that after formatting the PC (unfortunately) due to the error of the win10 updates, I proceeded to reinstall everything.
Everything went in the right direction and therefore I no longer have duplicates.
The only thing that inexplicably does not work is the Miroslav stand alone, whose instruments, however, I find them in ST4 (before I found Philarmonick 2 in the list of VSTs).
Well, patience, I can't go crazy.
I will never know how to thank you @Darkstar for your support!
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Re: Non trovoi suoni di SampleTank 3 dentro SampleTank4

Postby DarkStar » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:49 pm

Phew1 I am glad that you got it sorted out (well, 99% anyway). :)

For the MP2 standalone, check that you have set up the MIDi and audio devices. IF still stck, please raise a separate thread or contact Support.

As for thanking me: there is absolutely no need, but you can make a one-off donation here if you wish: They need it more than I do (and would spend it more wisely).

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