This does not address the need to unauthorise a computer remotely.
Cubase allows 3 instalations and recently they included a pathway via the web account to unauthorise a machine. This eliminated the silly need for extra available authorisations as I can even do it on my phone anywhere on the planet.
IK should also implement this feature as it is particularly helpful if a machine with an instalation dies or has an upgrade which changes the macine ID footprint.
For example. I have a desktop PC in the Studio. I have another Desktop PC at my home studio and I also have a Laptop when I'm in transit. My home PC recently had a failed OS drive. When I reinstalled windows it renamed my machine and now i have a different size and brand SSD. Now There is no way to unauthorised the "OLD" machine even though it is the same processor, MB, Ram and Graphics card.
Also the latest version of Product manager has a 2 MAJOR flaws. The available Authorisations do not match the web account authorisations. It should be completely fluid for the PM to reflect the available Authorisations on the web account and vice versa seeing I use the same username and password on both the web account and the PM.
The second flaw is that PM (latest version) says that my plugins are authorised (T-Racks, ARC, MODO Drumsetc) but when I launch them in Cubase I get a warning that I only have 3 days left to authorise (less today and tomorrow...what do I do when it runs out...Project stops, appologies to embarassing). I un-authorise and reauthorise and same's broken. It may have something to do with using my backup installation files, (Because I don't want to pay for downloading them again - nearly 500gb of stuff I have kept on file for this specific reason)
BUT now I cannot get the true staus of authorisations as my so called "OLD" machine cannot be unauthorised. If I go ahead without the true number being rectified I now run the risk of that impacting my work and my customer's product. As it is not impossible for 2 machines to fail at the same time then I'll have no authorisations left and have wait for support to reply.
As a Pro, remotely unauthorising is an essential need. If I travel to another state or country to work in a different studio and they don't have IK products I need to be able to remotly via the web app temporarily unauthorise a machine and install my "backed up" copies on the other studio's computer and authorise them so I can work with my everyday tools.
When I finally finnish my project on the 3rd party studio's computer and I happen to forget to unauthorise it and I travel back to my home I could easily be locked out of my daily tools (IK).
The only way to rectify this would be to wait however long it takes the support crew to reset my authorisations. ATM moment I have waited 6 days with no reply to my support message. Plus the clock is counting down as the Plugins will not acknowledge that the PM had authorised them.
A really good way to unauthorise machines would be to simply change my password on the account.
REMOTE Unauthorisation is needed so I don't have to waste my time and IK multimedia's staff's time to manually reset them and risk down time which costs me money and my reputation.
Peter_IK wrote:This should not affect you since the IK EULA states three installations are allowed (used one at a time, not simultaneously) and the 10 authorizations was a workaround from before the Product Manager allowed unauthorization.
Then giving us 10 authorisations will not effect IK multimedia's EULA either and will leave a comfortable buffer for proffesionals who use these plugins daily and rely on them for an income and have a reputation to uphold.
[mod redacted - yes, keep it civil and review the rules about moderation as well]
As you can see it's Authorised but not... WT
I just came back from an interstate project which I took my complete studio setup with me. Now I'm back, Album nearly finished mastering. Studio still in pieces as I don't have the time to set it up as I have a pending project to mix at home studio ASAP. Completing JOB in home set up. BUT ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT...what do I do? Support is obviously too busy to get back to me...
I suppose I can go to main studio and bring home Machine and work here ..but what an inconvenience...Grrrrrrr