Fen1xSyd wrote:Maybe they've just added a bunch of stuff to the promotions options, there's quite a bit of Amplitube stuff there now that I haven't seen before (Cabs at the top, ENGL, T-Rex, Nirvana, PowerGrid etc),
The X-Gear stuff literally just got released like a week or two ago and the physical hardware hasn't even shipped yet to my knowledge... You can't be bummed its not part of the group buy, it's an insanely good deal as is... just grab the stuff you don't have.
This is very cool. I had just talked myself out of a third purchase to get the one or two things that have been pushed over the end of my freebies list, but which my collector's brain is telling me to get even though I objectively don't need them... and now I'm thinking a low-dollar purchase might be in order to sweep up some of the low-hanging fruit that's been added to the list. Haven't made a CS purchase before though - how does it work with the promotion? Will any gear credits transaction make the grade? Or does it still have to be something from the list on the Group Buy page? I guess the cheapest are still in the Sampletank Instruments area...