IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price of 1

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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby smata65 » Fri Sep 03, 2021 9:48 am

Thedude4774 wrote:Thanks Fen1xSyd! Yes, I really just need to do what you said and work it all out on paper.

I think what I need to think about is getting SampleTank 4 and all the main modules I want with that(SampleTron 2, Syntronik, MixBox, Modo Drum, Modo Bass, Hammond B-3X, Amplitube 5, etc.), and then dish out another $100 and get like the 6 SampleTank additions I want most, the 3 or 4 Amplitube additions I want most, the 2 or 3 Syntronik additions I want most, and the 3 or 4 TrackS additions I want most that are all $100 or under. Just worried then a month later TS3M will go on sale again and I will hate myself. :)

As you already have AT4 Max you have some advantages
1.- You already have most of Amplitube gear including most collections, so no need to get those again. All your AT4 gear will run in AT5 with the new capabilities
2.- You will get Crossgrade price for almost everything

In addition, we will certainly get more than 11 free products, at least 15, and most likely 19 or 20 (hoping for 24)

Thus, my recommendation would be the following:

Get AT5 standard for 199.99 and for free products get

AT Brian May, AT Dimebag Darrell, and AT Joe Satriani, and together with your existing collections, you have AT5 Max. That's 3 free products

Sampletank 4, Sampletron 2, Syntronik Deluxe upgrade, and Miroslav Phihlarmonik CE. and you get the lion's share of ST Max + Sampletron That's 7 free products

T-Racks, T-Racks SE, and ARC3 (You can purchase the mic separately, or use an existing one if you have it) That's 10 Free products

You would still have at least 5 Free more items to chose

Now just start adding what you need/want most, and if you want to have most of T-Racks processors or more ST libraries, Get another product in the 99.99 Range, that's 15 or 20 more free products

Personally, I would recommend Comprexxor, Sunset Sound studio reverb, Stealth Limiter, Tape 24, Tape 80, British Channel, bus compressor, and EQ 73, but of course, as Fen1xSyd already recommended, You should make a list/spreadsheet of your priorities and select accordingly
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Thedude4774 » Fri Sep 03, 2021 9:54 am

Does anybody know if I bought T-RackS 5 Deluxe as part of the promo, how much would it cost to upgrade it to T-RackS 5 Max? Right now Max is on sale for the same price, so I can't tell how much the upgrade would cost. Also wondering how much it would cost later to upgrade SampleTank 4 to SampleTank 4 Max? I am assuming it's the price difference, $100? Thank you for any help!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Thedude4774 » Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:14 am

smata65 wrote:
Personally, I would recommend Comprexxor, Sunset Sound studio reverb, Stealth Limiter, Tape 24, Tape 80, British Channel, bus compressor, and EQ 73, but of course, as Fen1xSyd already recommended, You should make a list/spreadsheet of your priorities and select accordingly

Thank you for all the recommendations! Really good to know which T-rackS to try to include. Thank you!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Kinketsu » Fri Sep 03, 2021 1:56 pm

Thedude4774 wrote:Thank you for all the recommendations!

One additional recommendation is to consider whether the most expensive item you want can be purchased in Custom Shop via Gear Credits. For instance, 200 Gear Credits cost notably less than $199.99 and the price can be reduced further if you have some JamPoints to throw around.

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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby FredCV » Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:47 pm

Thedude4774 wrote:Does anybody know if I bought T-RackS 5 Deluxe as part of the promo, how much would it cost to upgrade it to T-RackS 5 Max? Right now Max is on sale for the same price, so I can't tell how much the upgrade would cost. Also wondering how much it would cost later to upgrade SampleTank 4 to SampleTank 4 Max? I am assuming it's the price difference, $100? Thank you for any help!

I was wondering about this as well for Amplitube 5, which I purchased, but there doesn't seem to be an upgrade discount for Amplitube Max. Not complaining, just wondering :)
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Musical.Alchemy » Fri Sep 03, 2021 6:55 pm

Just curious if anyone has noticed this. The 'Group Buy Participants' number never gels with the 'Participants to 12 free products' number. I just got '11195 Group Buy Participants' and '493 Participants to 12 free products'.

I use mostly Firefox, though I've tried different browsers with the same results.

It really doesn't matter all that much except that my new obsession is watching IK's website to see how many more great apps I'll be picking up for free :D
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby smata65 » Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:07 pm

Musical.Alchemy wrote:Just curious if anyone has noticed this. The 'Group Buy Participants' number never gels with the 'Participants to 12 free products' number. I just got '11195 Group Buy Participants' and '493 Participants to 12 free products'.

I use mostly Firefox, though I've tried different browsers with the same results.

It really doesn't matter all that much except that my new obsession is watching IK's website to see how many more great apps I'll be picking up for free :D

11204 and 796 to go at this time, and I have not seen a discrepancy in the past either. Using Chrome on Windows 10 pro here
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Kinketsu » Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:32 pm

FredCV wrote:
Thedude4774 wrote:Does anybody know if I bought T-RackS 5 Deluxe as part of the promo, how much would it cost to upgrade it to T-RackS 5 Max? Right now Max is on sale for the same price, so I can't tell how much the upgrade would cost. Also wondering how much it would cost later to upgrade SampleTank 4 to SampleTank 4 Max? I am assuming it's the price difference, $100? Thank you for any help!

I was wondering about this as well for Amplitube 5, which I purchased, but there doesn't seem to be an upgrade discount for Amplitube Max. Not complaining, just wondering :)

One thing to consider here is that while the MAX packages are not part of the Group Buy, the various components that make up the MAX packages are. So, as the number of freebies increases, it becomes feasible to build up the same content as the MAX packages just by selecting the components, especially if you're willing to buy in another time to the Group Buy. That might a bit less feasible for SampleTank, I guess, but it's certainly doable for Amplitube and T-RackS. Of course, this won't make you an official, card-carrying MAX package owner, but you'll have the gear.

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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby huli50 » Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:39 pm

Musical.Alchemy wrote:It really doesn't matter all that much except that my new obsession is watching IK's website to see how many more great apps I'll be picking up for free :D

Same here. I'm literally refreshing the browser every couple of hours to see how many more folks have signed up. I need help.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby FredCV » Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:26 pm

Kinketsu wrote:One thing to consider here is that while the MAX packages are not part of the Group Buy, the various components that make up the MAX packages are. So, as the number of freebies increases, it becomes feasible to build up the same content as the MAX packages just by selecting the components, especially if you're willing to buy in another time to the Group Buy. That might a bit less feasible for SampleTank, I guess, but it's certainly doable for Amplitube and T-RackS. Of course, this won't make you an official, card-carrying MAX package owner, but you'll have the gear.


There are a few things in MAX not available in the bundles, such as the Engl amps and cabs. They can be purchased in CS with credits though, so you are correct that you can get everything in MAX, but at some extra expense, which is fair IMO.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby lyndess » Sat Sep 04, 2021 5:52 am

After joining the group buy, is it possible to "gift" one or more of the freebies to another person (by claiming the promotion and getting a registration code, and then giving that code to another person)?
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Thedude4774 » Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:37 am

lyndess wrote:After joining the group buy, is it possible to "gift" one or more of the freebies to another person (by claiming the promotion and getting a registration code, and then giving that code to another person)?

Doesn't look like it. The rules say:

Free selected promotional products cannot be sold/transferred. They reside in your account separate from the original purchase and would not be transferred if the original qualifying item is sold.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby ttinker » Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:29 am

Kinketsu wrote:
Peter_IK wrote:Hi, Syntronik Free is a small subset of the instruments in Syntronik...

... Even the free version seems huge to me; I'm struggling to envision something 40x as big. (I suppose it's now obvious that I know nothing about synths ...

Knowing what we do not know is a great gift! But yeah, it's a big world, and you could do a lot worse than Syntronik as a general-purpose grand tour. It's not *everything* of course, but it's a lot... and it sounds GOOD. Pretty much all of it. I have alternatives, both modelled and sampled, for most things in the collection, but if I need to call up a really solid sound in a hurry and know that it will hold its own in a mix, Syntronik is often one of the first calls. Don't hesitate!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby ttinker » Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:35 am

smata65 wrote:
Thedude4774 wrote:Thanks Fen1xSyd! Yes, I really just need to do what you said and work it all out on paper...

... Personally, I would recommend Comprexxor, Sunset Sound studio reverb, Stealth Limiter, Tape 24, Tape 80, British Channel, bus compressor, and EQ 73, but of course, as Fen1xSyd already recommended, You should make a list/spreadsheet of your priorities and select accordingly

This is all great advice. I was starting from a different place and have different needs (not being a serious guitarist) but the last paragraph is pretty close to my list after I knocked off the big rocks (Hammond, Sampletron2, Modo Drum, Amplitube5, Sampletank4)... now I'm in bonus rounds.

IK has a big stable and it can be confusing, but it's worth taking the time to cross-reference what you have with what you need and what's on offer. Luckily there is time!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby ttinker » Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:40 am

huli50 wrote:
Musical.Alchemy wrote:It really doesn't matter all that much except that my new obsession is watching IK's website to see how many more great apps I'll be picking up for free :D

Same here. I'm literally refreshing the browser every couple of hours to see how many more folks have signed up. I need help.

I am glad to know I'm not alone! I sometimes check every hour. This is not really rational. I haven't progressed as far as waking up every hour all night yet, though... :shock:

Also, re numbers... I use the Brave browser (on both mobile and computer) and I've noticed it displays the stats a bit wonkily sometimes, as the 'participants' and 'to next bonus' numbers don't always add up; I've found that refreshing the page a couple of times usually gets them to line up, if you care to know how things really stand.
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